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3 Ways to Handle the "I'll Think About It" Response Like A Sales Master

ThinkingAnyone who has ventured into the world of sales knows that you have to present the benefits of the product or service you offer. After completing your presentation, there are four words you never want to hear: “I’ll think about it.”

Why do we find these words are so frustrating?

It’s simple – we know that the likelihood of the prospect actually thinking it over and deciding to purchase what you’re offering is low, if not non-existent.

When a prospect tells you they’ll think about it, what they’re really telling you is “Sorry, but I’m not interested.”

A persistent business entrepreneur will diligently follow up or send over an email laying out package pricing, but typically the outcome remains the same: no sale.

Would you believe me if I told you that as many as half of your prospects are actually open to purchasing your product or service, and that they just need you to guide them to a “Yes”?

Many people find it difficult, overwhelming or even stressful to make a purchase decision. They work hard for their money and are fearful that they’ll regret their purchase decision later on.

If you want to close more sales in 2016, you need to recognize that it’s your responsibility to address and assuage your prospects’ fears, removing the need for your client to “think about it.”

I’d like to share three of the strategies I used during my decades of direct sales experience to address the “I’ll think about it” response and yield incredible results:

  1. Lower Your Prospect’s Defense Mechanism.

If you’re making a complimentary sales call and your prospect says they need time to think about your offer, politely and calmly accept their decision. Tell them, “That’s perfectly okay, I appreciate your honesty.” Expressing disappointment or even appearing defeated won’t change their mind. Whether you’re speaking in person or over the phone, it’s important to convey that you support their decision. When you hear “I’ll think about your offer”, casually respond that it’s perfectly okay to take time to make this important decision. When you give this impression, you relax their defenses. By getting their guard down, you create an opportunity to keep the conversation going without them immediately reinforcing their “Not now” position.

  1. Show Them You Sincerely Care.

Now that your prospect is feeling more relaxed, casually and non-confrontationally ask them, “Mary, it’s clear that you have a good reason for wanting to think it through. Can I ask you what is the one thing holding you back from making this decision today?”

Let me make one point clear – this is the most important time to keep cool, calm and collected. Keep eye contact with your prospect, smile at them personably with real interest, and patiently wait for their response.

I understand that it may feel uncomfortable for an unseasoned sales person or new entrepreneur to ask this question, but remember: You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. You’ve already been told by your prospect that they’re not ready to purchase your product or service today. By asking this question and keeping the line of communication open, you learn what’s holding them back and give yourself an opportunity to respond.

  1. Really Listen.

Give your prospect time to process your question and then listen attentively to their response. Some prospects will reply that they don’t have a specific reason – they simply want to think it through (and that’s okay!). But other prospects will admit that they’re concerned about the cost, or tell you that another factor is holding them back.

When you’re making a sales presentation, you need to come fully prepared to address a prospect’s reservations about laying out their hard-earned money for your product or service. If your prospect acknowledges concern about the money, it’s crucial that you have a series of follow up questions lined up that address price-related concerns during your presentation.

I teach my Celeste Giordano clients which questions to ask, like “Why do you feel that way?” and “How far apart are we?”. I also help my clients overcome the “spouse objection”. Often, there’s still room to explain the value your service will bring them, or offer a package that fits their budget.

If your prospect expresses that their concern isn’t the cost, politely inquire as to what is the only factor holding them back today. Give them a moment to consider your question.

At this point, some clients will really do some self-reflection and articulate their true objection, giving you an opportunity to address it.

Before you set out to make sales calls or presentations, make a list of possible objections. Consider and rehearse appropriate responses. When you’re given an opportunity to resolve an objection, you need to be ready to present a solution, ask for the order, and close the sale today!

As a master sales strategist, I’ve worked with many clients who feel the urge to throw in the towel when faced with the “I’ll think about it” response. However, when you learn and consistently use advanced closing techniques, you can exponentially increase your closing rate and drive up your profitability this year.

In a competitive, fast-paced marketplace, products and services don’t sell themselves. To achieve any real success as an entrepreneur, you need to have the ability to close sales.
Next week, we’ll dig deeper into the closing strategies that will help you avoid the “I’ll think about it” response.


  1. Robert Gara on March 17, 2016 at 3:43 am

    These are great practical tactics if carefully exercise can surely increase sales! Thank well done!