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How to Build Trust and Make the Sale

Image of business partners handshaking over a stack of papers with CONTRACT written on the top page HubSpot recently released its 2024 State of Sales Report, based on surveys of sales professionals around the globe. Their research is clear: technology is forcing a change in traditional sales relationships, and the best way for sales professionals to adapt is by building trust with their customers.

As many post-COVID sales processes have remained virtual, and more companies have invested in high tech sales tools, the “buyer beware” signal is stronger than ever. Furthermore, consumers have instant access to information 24/7, so they can easily self-educate about products and practices. The HubSpot research shows that 71% of consumers prefer to do their own research on a brand or product rather than relying on a sales pro to gather information.

So what does that mean to sales teams? If your buyers are educating themselves, your focus must shift from sharing information to building the strong relationships necessary to be their trusted advisor and consultant.

We often think of trust as a quality that you either have or you don’t have. After all, what makes a person trust you can be hard to define and based on snap judgments.

But in reality, trust can be earned by developing four skills that are supported by the findings in HubSpot’s report. Let’s discuss each of the four skills, and as we do, ask yourself: Have I developed this skill as part of my sales repertoire in order to be as trustworthy as I possibly can be?

Relationship Building

Sales professionals who focus on building relationships with their clients – by listening, communicating one-on-one, and anticipating their needs – develop trust and respect that lead to more consistent repeat sales.

You might find at first that you don’t close 100% of your initial sales calls with this approach. That’s okay. You’re becoming a trusted resource, and you never know where it might take you.

Perhaps you’ll build a relationship that doesn’t hire you directly but refers a whole book of business your way. Or you’ll meet a new contact, and you won’t make the sale right away, but a year or two down the line, that contact becomes your biggest client. I’ve seen it happen more times than I can count!

When you build relationships, you get some choice in who your customers are. And that means more people you enjoy working with will become your customers – people who trust you and align with your values.


HubSpot’s report indicates that many challenges remain from the COVID period, including inflation and supply chain issues. Longer deal cycles also emerged as a challenge, with more decision-makers involved in drawn-out sales processes.

As sales professionals, we must let our clients know that our support is not fleeting. By staying attuned to changes and communicating consistently, you are increasing their trust in your resilience and ability to handle challenges in the future.

Data Driven

More and more sales professionals are using data to target the ideal prospects, in part because technology makes it easier to utilize data to increase sales, and in part because the pandemic made it harder to gather information without using online data.

You may not have sophisticated technology to analyze data, but you’d be mistaken if you assume that means you have no data to use to your advantage. Looking at past sales is valuable data to find out more about who your clients are, what problems you can solve for them, and what works best to close sales.

Time spent analyzing the data you have will lead to a more personalized sales experience, which in turn builds trust.

Problem Solving

Buyers value problem solving skills in the people they choose to buy from, and that’s probably because you’re more likely to trust a sales person who helps you solve a problem rather than just delivering their sales pitch.

Remember, telling isn’t selling. Listing off features, figures, and facts about your product or service is NOT the same as selling it. Without keeping that idea in mind, you may become a walking, talking pamphlet – a mere information source – rather than an effective salesperson.

Instead, it would be to your advantage to find out what problems your lead has that you might be able to help them with. Ask questions, and listen not only to what they tell you, but also to the emotions behind their responses. If you can address how they feel in addition to helping to solve their problems, you will have the makings of a loyal customer.

Each and every lead you meet has tremendous value. Think of them like precious gold bricks. Each person you meet could become your most valuable, loyal client. They may become a tremendous referral partner for your business. Or they may be someone who can benefit from your service and support.

By focusing on gaining their trust, you will treat each and every person the way they deserve to be treated, and you will also find you are closing more sales more consistently. Contact me today to put this powerful, proven, and principled strategy into action in your business.


Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlus™” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with more than 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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