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Psst…It's A Big Surprise

Mike and NephewesWe’ve all made birthday wishes one time or another.

Some of us wish for the perfect sun-soaked holiday. Others wish for health and happiness. And still others wish the cake they intend to devour after blowing out the candles will be both decadent, yet blissfully calorie-free.

But my husband decided to make a pre-birthday wish this year.

You see, he will be turning 60 on Monday, June 6th. Yes – the big 6-0. What a milestone.

But when Mike went back to Miami earlier this month for work, his last words were “DO NOT do anything for my birthday!”

Luckily for me, his warning came too late. A celebration was already in the works.

Because Mike works part of each month in Miami, he is almost always away on his birthday. In the course of 10 years, we have only been together on his actual birthday twice!

It was such a treat to learn that Mike would be flying home on June 2, a few days before his birthday, and that we would be able to celebrate his 60th together.

Of course, the wheels in my mind starting turning: What could I do to make the day extra-special for him?

To answer that question, we have to switch gears for a moment, and dig a little deeper.

Have you designed a life you love to live? I believe I have.

Living a life of design means making conscious choices to prioritize the people and things you value most. It means spending your time thoughtfully, and celebrating milestones large and small with friends and loved ones. When you are intentional about your words, your actions, and your time, you create and live a life by design.

Let’s apply this concept to the thought process that went into orchestrating my husband’s birthday surprise.

The first concert we ever attended as high school sweethearts on October 15, 1971 was Grand Funk Railroad. They performed at the Hollywood Sportatorium.

Many years have passed, and Grand Funk Railroad may not be popular anymore, but Mike is still – and will always be – my sweetheart. Some of our high school friends who attended that concert are still dear friends of ours today. To this day, we celebrate holidays, birthdays, vacations and special occasions with Carol, Liz, Renee and their spouses and families.

Having bonds of friendships that have spanned over 46 years is very special to us. By making time to share old memories and create new ones with our friends – and one another – Mike and I live a life by design. We have designed a life where quality time with our friends and family is a top priority.

Many people become entrepreneurs because they recognize by running their own businesses, they empower themselves to make more choices, and live the ultimate life of design.

Three of our grown nephews – Mikey, Joey and Stephen – have all graduated from college. But when they were growing up, Uncle Mike and Aunt Celeste took them all to their first concert in 2001. We saw 3 Doors Down and Aerosmith – what an experience! Over the years, we have taken them to see the Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, Ted Nugent, Journey, and Styx.

We treasured these outings. Sure, we love a good show, but the quality time with our nephews was priceless.

Eventually they ventured out to concerts on their own. Our oldest nephew just graduated from John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, and we are so proud of him. When he wasn’t hitting the books, he frequently attended Jimmy Buffett concerts.

(It just so happens that Jimmy is playing a concert at the Infinite Energy Arena near our home on June 2nd.)

Since Mike and I have never seen him live, I thought this would be the perfect way to celebrate Mike’s 60th Birthday. Of course, it wouldn’t be fitting to attend the concert without our nephews, so they will be in on the surprise. In full Jimmy Buffet spirit, we’ll all be partaking in a traditional tailgating party. I’ve put the boys in charge of setting up a tent and gathering festive party supplies — “parrot head” hats included!

When Mike arrives today at the airport in Atlanta, I’ll pick him up and whisk him away to tailgate and celebrate his 60th birthday – Jimmy Buffet-style – with our nephews and friends.

We are fortunate to belong to the 1818 Club which is conveniently located next door to the concert.  Our friends and family will join us in a private party room for a Jimmy Buffet-style dinner, cake, and ice cream before the concert.

So much for Mike’s “NO CELEBRATING MY BIRTHDAY!” sentiment!

Living a life by design means different things to different people — and that’s perfectly okay.

For Mike and me, enjoying great music is part of our life by design. In addition to live concerts, we love playing music as he prepares his famous homemade pizzas in “Mike’s Outdoor Brick Oven”, which he built in our backyard patio.

Whether we are celebrating a big milestone or enjoying quiet time together at home, we cherish each moment.

Take time to reflect: Are you living a life you love? What could you be doing differently to design a life of happiness, fulfillment and meaning?

Treasure the people whom you hold dear in your life. Sure, fancy dinners, presents and trips are nice, but you can’t put a price tag on spending quality time with the people who make your life more meaningful.

I’ll certainly be treasuring my time with Mike, our family and friends today.

Let’s hope he’s up for the surprise!

Challenge yourself to take a few minutes this week for quiet reflection.

Are you living the life you want to live? Are you happy with the time you invest in personal relationships? Is your business where you want it to be?

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I help clients to clarify their goals and follow a step-by-step action plan with proven strategies that empower them to build a legacy business and life by design.

Are you living a life by design?