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It's in You to Serve

Volunteer - 1Scottish evangelist, writer and lecturer Henry Drummond once said that “Happiness consists in giving and in serving others.”

Do you believe that to be true?

Most people inherently believe that giving is inherently positive. We all know that giving helps others, whether we donate to charities, provide support to those around us, or volunteer for our local communities, national, or international organizations.

But studies have demonstrated that giving is also good for the giver! It boosts physical and mental health.

A 2006 study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology reported that people who provided social support to others and contributed to community organizations had lower blood pressure, greater self-esteem, less depression and lower stress levels!

But the benefits to the giver extend far beyond physical and mental health (not to mention personal and spiritual fulfillment).

Giving is good for business.

Giving brings people together to work toward a common goal. By meeting new people and expanding your network, you become better known in your community. Volunteering allows you to meet people whom you may not have crossed paths with otherwise, opening you up to countless networking opportunities.

Don’t misunderstand me — your #1 focus as a volunteer should be how to serve the organization you’re involved with. However, through volunteering, you will inevitably build relationships with people who share the same morals and values as you do. These connections may make valuable introductions, open doors to new opportunities, or connect you to promising prospects who want the products or services you offer.

As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to develop new skills, whether you’re learning to organize logistics for a social event, balance the books to stay on budget or assist with marketing a fundraising campaign. Often you can take these valuable skills and apply them to your own business. Volunteering and working as a team with others also promotes personal growth and improves your self-esteem, which ultimately make you more confident and charismatic as a business entrepreneur.

Call to Action

I’d like to challenge you to find a way to serve your community, large or small. Whether you volunteer once or twice a month at a local soup kitchen or hospital, or take on a larger, more active role at a community organization, getting involved on a consistent basis is important both to your personal and professional growth. The first step is finding an organization whose mission resonates with you, and find a way to serve. Most organizations and causes will welcome your offer for assistance.

A New Role at Women of Global Change

I recently had the honor and privilege of being appointed as President of Women of Global Change (WGC) Atlanta Chapter, alongside Vice President Tracy Neal and the phenomenal men and women serving on the Committee. Women of Global Change is a non-profit organization that supports women locally and internationally through humanitarian efforts and business networking opportunities.

Two inspirational powerhouses at the forefront of Women of Global Change – Shellie Hunt, CEO of WGC and Dr. Natalie Forest, Executive Director of WGC – recently extended the organization’s presence to the East Coast. I was so impressed by the WGC’s mission and impressive initiatives that I was eager to get involved and take on an active leadership role here in Atlanta.

As a female business owner who is passionate about empowering women to achieve their personal and professional goals, helping to build a collaborative community here on the East Coast as well as globally was a natural fit.

Just a few weeks ago, many women took time from their busy schedules to learn more about our mission and explore the opportunity to join our team at the first Women of Global Change (WGC) Atlanta Chapter Committee meeting.

Our monthly meetings will have both an educational and networking element. We will spotlight outside local businesses through partnerships and sponsorships. While networking amongst members is most certainly encouraged, our individual and collective focus is on how we can serve others. I am confident that together we will accomplish great things and support important local and international projects.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I encourage all of my clients to get involved in serving their communities. I have seen the innumerable personal, social and professional benefits of serving others firsthand. Many skills developed during volunteer work have been useful as my clients work to “Double Plus” their income and build a legacy business.

If you’d like to learn more about Women of Global Change, or may be interested in attending an upcoming Chapter meeting, contact me at . Our monthly WGC Atlanta Chapter meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, beginning in August from 11:30am to 1:30pm at the 1818 Club in Duluth, Georgia. Please mark your calendars for August 17th, which will be our first launch of the WGC Atlanta Chapter.

The most important thing is finding a cause that you can relate to, and taking action to get involved. While my role at the WGC Atlanta Chapter is new, I have served on a number of boards and held various volunteer and leadership roles. I am an Advisory Board Member for Central Gwinnett High School, and am a Sports Alumnae Mentor for Berry College. I also sat on the Board of Directors for Heart of Gwinnett.

Each one of us has unique personal interests. Let your interests and passions guide you to the right volunteer opportunity.

Remember: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” (Winston Churchill)