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The Real Value of Your Rolodex

rolodexAh, the Rolodex. While you may have uploaded your contacts to your SmartPhone and tucked your Rolodex away in a drawer to collect dust, make no mistake about it – there’s VALUE in each and every contact you have.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, you understand the importance of building relationships. If you’re like me, you know that the best way to build new relationships is in person, not behind a telephone or computer screen. That’s not to say that’s there’s no opportunities for business development via calling and emailing, but there’s nothing like a handshake, smile and face-to-face conversation to make an impression and spark a connection. I attend networking events very regularly and advise my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients to do the same. Every event is an opportunity to expand your contact list.

So, what is the value of your contact list? And how exactly do we measure the value of a list of names, numbers and email addresses?

Of course, your contact list is a fantastic place to begin selling your products or services. If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve likely already worked your way through that list and are working to expand it. Some of your contacts may now be clients or customers, and that’s great.

But there’s a key piece of information to keep in mind here that could broaden your reach – and sales – exponentially. Each and every one of your contacts has their own circle of contacts. Tapping into that circle via referrals presents a golden opportunity.

Customers buy your products or services either because they like and trust you personally or because someone they like and trust referred you. If you’ve ever sold to someone you’ve reached via a referral, then you know it’s often a more enjoyable, comfortable and effective sales experience with a higher success rate. When a prospect knows that you have a relationship with (or better yet, the recommendation of) someone they trust, they in turn are more likely to give you their time and the opportunity to earn their trust.

Referrals are truly the breakfast of champions. You should begin your day by calling referrals or generating new referrals. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs aren’t taking full advantage of them. You should be asking for referrals in each and every conversation you have. It’s also important to proactively reach out to your contacts regularly. The best way to stay at the top of people’s minds is to communicate with them. Reach out to your contacts regularly. Let them know about new products or services that you’re offering or promotions you’re running. Remind and encourage them to forward your article or promotion along to a friend or colleague who may be interested in what you have to say or offer.

As you build good relationships with your clients or customers, ask them to spread the word about your services. Create an incentive to them for providing you with some hot leads. For instance, if you offer personal training services, you could encourage existing clients to provide you with the contact information of friends and family who may be interested in your services. Of course, we recommend you have some sort of attractive incentive program in place that works in your business model. When you pick up the phone to call these referrals, you may start off by saying:

“Hi Jane, I’ve been working with your friend Abby for several months now and she mentioned that you might be interested in some personal fitness coaching. I offer a complimentary group training session, and I wanted to extend the invitation for you to join us this month. Is that something you’d be interested in?”

As soon as you mention “Abby”, Jane’s interest is likely to increase while her defense mechanism relaxes. Likely, Jane knows that Abby has enjoyed your coaching, creating the perfect testimonial from a trusted friend. If Jane is interested in improving her fitness regimen, then you’re no longer a risky gamble. You’re a much safer investment.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to referrals is that they go both ways. If you have a client in the interior design business and you come across an individual looking to stage their home, send them your client’s way. Your client won’t forget your efforts and will be much more motivated to keep you and your services in mind in their own social and professional circles.

Referral selling is a strategy that allows you to more easily establish your credibility and therefore sell faster and more effectively. Referrals are an effective way to get your foot in the door. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, we teach business owners and entrepreneurs both how to increase the number of referrals they receive (without sounding like a vulture!) and how to sell effectively once they’ve connected with new referrals. Our clients learn a proven step-by-step referrals system that generates results and begin their day by calling referrals. Learning how to master referral selling is one of the many tools that will help you “Double Plus” your income this year. To be amongst the successful entrepreneurs at Celeste Giordano Coaching who are learning the art of referral selling, contact us today.

Wishing you a prosperous week.