My Blog

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Prosper.

How to Think, Act, Get BIG

Think BigPicture this: In the past six months, you’ve made more sales in your business than you did in the previous year. Business is thriving, so you’ve added members to your team to keep the momentum going and free your time up to do what you do best.  

Because you’ve gotten the support you need, you no longer work 24/7 or come home exhausted. You have more time and energy to invest into relationships with your partner or spouse, children, friends and family, which are stronger than ever.

You have plans to renovate your outdated kitchen and you just booked a Mediterranean cruise for spring.

 Life isn’t just good – it’s great.

This scenario sounds like a dream to any entrepreneur who is starting out or maintaining the status quo in their business. But many don’t view it as an attainable reality.

Too many entrepreneurs fall into a survival mentality. Tired from the daily grind or demotivated from lack of results, they try to keep their business afloat and maintain their personal relationships, but they stop striving for greatness.

Are you settling? Have you gotten comfortable with mediocrity? Are you asking for – and reaching for – what you want?

If you want to live a life of abundance and blessing, you need to learn to ASK BIG and REACH HIGH. That’s the first step to creating prosperity in your professional and personal life.

Instead of aiming to earn enough to cover your expenses, set a goal to earn a salary that will provide you with the material comforts and freedom you dream about.

Instead of trying to earn enough to pay for your assistant or remote service providers, strive to make enough sales to be able to expand your team and require their full-time support.

Rather than hoping to find time this month to go out with your spouse or take your children on an affordable afternoon outing, dream of taking a luxurious week-long vacation.

The moment you place limitations on success in your professional personal life in your mind, you limit the potential you’ll reach in reality.

Don’t limit your own destiny. Nobody else will dream for you.

If you want to get what you truly want and create a life of prosperity, you have to be bold. Reach for it.  ask for it, and never let your circumstances, how you were raised, or naysayers in your life hold you back or talk you out of reaching your true goals.  

Once you set your mind on achieving greatness, you need to PLAN for it. You can’t achieve prosperity in your life without dreaming big and you can’t realize a dream without a plan. Work with a mentor to identify specific milestones to work towards and devise a daily action plan that will empower you to reach them.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work with entrepreneurs and sales professionals to set goals that reflect the life of blessing they want to create. Through weekly and monthly accountability calls, I keep them laser focused and on track to executing their action plan. I also share lessons and strategies I’ve learned over my almost 40 years in business so they can “Double Plus” their income without sacrificing a healthy work-life balance or the relationships they hold dear in their life.

Remember, it’s not greedy or selfish to want greatness in your life. When you have prosperity you can leave a legacy for your children, create jobs, and make a positive contribution to your community.

To recap: Don’t pray that’ll you’ll make it through a slow month of sales; pray to break a sales record. Don’t hope to merely sustain your friendships or relationships; strive to strengthen them.

Dream boldly, plan responsibly and get the support you need to LEARN, GROW, ACHIEVE and PROSPER so you can leave a lasting legacy!