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How to Land Your Dream Intern

Intern ImageSometimes employers forget that a job interview goes both ways. Just as you want to find the best possible employee, prospective employees want to find the best possible employment opportunity. They want to go to work excited about the work they’ll do and the doors and connections it will open for them.

This is especially true for interns. Internships are essentially career-boosting growth opportunities. (If you aren’t yet sold on the “intern” idea, check out last week’s article: Why You Should Hire An Intern .)

If you want to reap the many benefits of an intern, then it’s your job to demonstrate to candidates how your internship opportunity will strengthen their resume and accelerate their professional growth.

Keep these 7 tips in mind if you want to attract a quality intern:

1. No coffee runs. If you want to attract a quality intern, make sure to let them know you have real work for them to do. Rather than menial tasks, give them interesting, challenging assignments to sink their teeth into. Never take advantage of your intern.

2. Value their input. There is no way to make an intern feel more appreciated than to welcome their creative input. As they work on projects, ask if they have ideas or see room for improvement. Interns can provide great insight into what you’re doing right – and what you could be doing better – if you give them a voice.

3. Show them there’s light at the end of the tunnel. To attract great intern candidates, tell them successful interns will be considered for employment at the end of the internship. If your intern does a fantastic job, snatch them up! An internship is the best job interview. If you aren’t in a position to hire on your intern, make sure they know that you’ll write them a glowing reference letter and make introductions to anyone you do know who may be hiring in their field.

4. Show your gratitude. If you’re in the position to do so, offer your intern a weekly or monthly stipend to compensate them for their work. Even if you can’t offer a stipend, purchase them a coffee or gas gift card and give them a gift upon completion of their internship with you. Most importantly, remember that although interns are gaining experience with you, they aren’t compensated competitively. Express your gratitude often, and serve as a mentor who genuinely cares about their growth and their future.

5. Help them craft their resume. Remember, interns are ultimately looking to bolster their resumes. Tell your prospective intern that you will assign them projects that will highlight their achievements with specific performance metrics. Offer to sit down with your intern at the end of each month, and make sure they are masterfully updating their resume as they go. If your intern candidate knows that you’ll be mindful of resume- building when you assign them responsibilities, they will see the direct benefit of joining your team.

6. Start your search early. Often, the most driven students begin looking for internship opportunities months in advance. If you want to attract the best intern candidates for a summer or fall internship, start your search today. This way, you’ll scoop them up before they are recruited by other companies. Interns who wait until the very last minute to secure a position may not have the go-getter attitude you’re looking for.

7. Be a Proactive Recruiter. Don’t wait for the interns to come to you. Set up a table at internship and job fairs on local college campuses. Bring your enthusiasm! Students will be attracted to your positive energy. If you’ve had an intern in the past, bring them along so students can get insight into what to expect from an internship with you. Take note of the students that give you a great impression, collect their resumes, and promptly invite them in for an interview after the event.

8. Be Flexible and Virtual. While you will likely want to meet with your intern in person every week, they likely don’t need to be with you to complete their assignments. Allow your interns to complete some of their work remotely, and give them flexibility on how and when they get their work done – so long as they meet their deadlines. This will allow you to attract talented interns who may have other commitments to balance.

Remember, just like you are looking for the best interns, interns are looking for the best internships.

Show your interns that you genuinely care about them and want them to benefit from the experience just as much as you benefit from their hard work. Implement the strategies I’ve suggested above, and you’ll be well on your way to securing a super-star intern this summer.

I’d like to take a moment to express gratitude to my team of experts at Celeste Giordano Coaching. These masters in their own fields give me the support I need to spend my time doing what I do best: Consulting business owners and sales teams just like you.

Wishing you much success in your hunt for a rock star intern,

Celeste Giordano