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Why Mompreneurs are Modern-Day Superheroes

Mom and siblingsI don’t have to tell you that entrepreneurs understand the challenges of achieving work/ life balance. Growing a business takes tenacity. With a myriad of professional, family and personal responsibilities to juggle, entrepreneurs rarely keep traditional 9-to-5 hours. They understand the meaning of early mornings, late nights and hard work. 

But there’s one special group of entrepreneurs who understands the work/life balance challenge more than anyone else: Mompreneurs.

Not familiar with the term?

Mompreneurs are female business owners who work hard to successfully balance the responsibilities of being a mother with the responsibilities of being an entrepreneur (a difficult task to say the least!).

Achieving success as an entrepreneur requires passion, persistence and hard work. You cannot achieve your professional goals – or your personal goals – without each of these key components. Launching a new business or taking an existing business to the next level always demands tremendous personal discipline, a consistent effort, and TIME.

More than anyone, mompreneurs know that time is a precious and limited commodity. They need to be more organized, creative and self-disciplined with their time in order to achieve sales and business growth without jeopardizing the countless responsibilities that come with motherhood.

Without establishing daily goals and scheduling set times to meet those goals, moms understandably get tugged in different directions, making it difficult to stay focussed. To make the most productive use of their time, mompreneurs – and indeed all entrepreneurs – need to utilize proven strategies and follow a clear, step-by-step master plan.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I’ve had the honor of empowering mompreneurs to achieve work/life balance and grow profitable businesses that provide them with financial security and so much more. By staying focussed and consistently implementing their weekly strategies, my clients have been able to reach incredible milestones.

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and I want to recognize all mothers out there who work hard to provide for their families.

I urge all mompreneurs to take a few moments this week for some thoughtful introspection. If you’re reading this article, you’re motivated to create a legacy that will provide for your family for years to come.

But ask yourself honestly, do you feel so drained at the end of the work day that it’s hard to enjoy your children or spouse? Do you feel run down due to late work nights and sprawling to-do lists? Are you physically and emotionally present when you’re with your loved ones?

If you’re struggling to achieve work-life balance, invest in yourself, your family and your business by working with a master business consultant. I help my clients develop the solid foundations, skills and mindsets necessary to grow prosperous businesses – without burning out.

I also urge you to consider the value of building a support team. I’ve personally seen many women try to conquer all of their responsibilities solo. Confident in their own capabilities, they are nervous about assigning tasks to people who aren’t as invested in their businesses as they are. They’re also hesitant to pay others to do jobs they can do themselves.

But even the most skilled mompreneur can’t build a sustainable, successful business while managing her personal responsibilities alone.

The most successful entrepreneurs learn that the best way to build a legacy business is by surrounding yourself with a team of experts who can support you in reaching your goals. You should spend your time doing what you do best, whether that’s coaching, selling, or prospecting.

Challenge yourself to start outsourcing tasks that drain your time. If marketing, web development or IT aren’t your strongest suits, find affordable professionals or talented interns in these fields who can lighten your load. When you delegate, you free up your time to sell your products or services, take care of yourself, and spend quality time with your loved ones.

In my business, I surround myself with a master team of experts. From online business managers and branding experts to copywriters and social media pros, we’re plugged into professionals who support us and many of our clients.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a mother or not. All entrepreneurs struggle to find time to fulfill their many responsibilities while keeping peace of mind.

Mother’s Day is an opportune time to take the day off!!! If you’re blessed to have your mother still with you, take advantage of this opportunity to spend time with her. If you are a mother, take the day off, and let your kids spoil you.

Your work will always be there, but relationships are invaluable and need loving attention.

I want to take this opportunity to express my eternal gratitude to my mother, Emily Link. She was the epitome of a Mompreneur growing up. Not only was she hardworking and driven; she was also a great personal role model for my brother, sister, and me.

Our mother taught us that with a strong work ethic and belief in ourselves, we could achieve whatever we set our minds to. Following in her footsteps, my siblings and I have all owned our respective businesses for over 30 years.

I’d like to express gratitude to my mother for teaching us the morals, values, integrity, and character that shaped us into who we are today. She taught us that you can’t achieve success without hard work and a commitment to treating people with love and respect. These principles continue to be the shining lights that guide me.

To my clients and friends, I wish you all a wonderful Mother’s Day! May you have success in building a prosperous business that will leave a legacy for you and your family.
