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The ABCs of Clear Communication

Clear Communication ImageYou can have the most brilliant idea, but if you can’t get it across clearly, it won’t take you anywhere.

Communication is the crux of effective business development. Your message and delivery matter just as much as having a good product or service. It’s at the heart of marketing, sales, networking and customer service.

Your ability to communicate clearly affects the glue of your business – the relationships with your customers, employers and peers. It also goes without saying that good communication has an immeasurably positive impact on personal relationships.

There’s a reason why Toastmasters has gained such popularity, with 15,400 clubs in 135 countries. Business entrepreneurs, sales teams and professionals worldwide are recognizing the importance of strong communication skills.

Here are 4 strategies you can start implementing immediately to become a clearer communicator:

1. Think before you speak. A key reason people don’t convey their messages clearly is because they just blurt out whatever they’re thinking. To be clear, it’s important that you stop for a moment and think about what you want to convey before you begin to speak. When you take a breath to reflect, you give yourself the opportunity to choose the best words to capture your intended meaning. This is a critical skill in sales, networking and customer relations, not to mention your personal relationships.

2. Slow down. After you’ve stopped to consider exactly what message you want to send, proceed s-l-o-w-l-y. When you speak quickly, you make it more difficult for the person you’re speaking with to hear and digest your message. Mumbling or racing through your words is the verbal equivalent of scribbling a letter in poor handwriting. It sends the message that you don’t care! When you take the time to enunciate each word, you not only convey your point with clarity; you also send the message that your words matter.

3. Find another way. If you get the sense that your audience isn’t understanding your message, don’t just move on and hope they got the gist of it. Find another way to communicate your message. Rephrase your point until the person you’re speaking with says “Aha! I understand.”. When you’re developing key messaging for your prospecting calls or presentations, check in with your audience to make sure they’re with you. If you consistently find that they seem confused when you use certain phrases or terminology, find new ways to convey your message. This way nothing gets lost in translation.

4. Learn the art of active listening. It may sound strange to talk about listening in an article about clear communication, but listening is the number-one way to gauge the effectiveness of your message. Rather than dominating the conversation, ask questions and listen carefully to what they have to say. Are they clear on your message? Do they have objections or reservations? By listening actively, you get important insight into where the person’s head is at. Instead of spending the time thinking about how to respond, pay attention to their words, and then take a moment after they’ve finished to consider what you’d like to say.

Remember, your success in business and in life is dependent upon your ability to communicate effectively with other people. The most successful business entrepreneurs understand the power of communication, and invest the time necessary to improve their communication skills.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work one-on-one with business entrepreneurs and sales teams to develop the communication skills they need to help them network, prospect and close more effectively.

If communication isn’t your strong suit, don’t accept the status quo. When your lines of communication are weak, business suffers. Even if you’re a good communicator, remember: A good communicator yields good results. A master communicator yields exceptional results.

Don’t settle for mediocrity. Become a master communicator, and get your message across with power and finesse.


Spots are filling fast for the Building A Legacy Business Workshop on Friday, April 22. Join me and my esteemed colleague, Certified Public Accountant Sara Poe, to learn the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “Double Plus” your income and become an effective, inspirational leader in your  field.

Don’t settle for the status quo when you can leave a legacy! Reserve your spot today.

