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Put Your Prospect in a "YES" State of Mind

41925933_sLast week, we dove into the emotional journey that prospective buyers often experience while listening to a sales presentation. For many potential clients, that emotional roller coaster includes a number of negative feelings including anxiety, annoyance, pressure, skepticism and downright fear.

But, that’s not how prospects want to feel. No, they innately want to feel respected, appreciated, intelligent, comfortable, relaxed, safe, secure, happy and even excited about your offer.

And it’s our responsibility as business entrepreneurs to expertly deliver a sales presentation that gets them to a place where they are emotionally and intellectually prepared to make a purchase decision and join your program.

Although sales came naturally to me, it took me years of selling to really master and fine-tune the sales strategies necessary to present a masterful sales presentation. In a masterful sales presentation, you say the right things and ask the right questions at the right time and with the right delivery techniques to ensure your prospect feels emotionally prepared to say YES to your offer.

 Here are some strategies you can begin implementing to achieve greater success in your sales presentations:

A Warm Greeting

To ease feelings of anxiety and lack of trust in your prospects, you need to create rapport and put them at east. If you’re meeting in person, greet your prospect warmly with a smile. Shake their hand and offer them something to eat or drink. Make sure that they are seated comfortably. Meeting in person is always the optimal way to build meaningful rapport. If you have to conduct your sales presentation over the phone,  make sure your greeting is warm and that you speak in a friendly, welcoming tone.

Make it Personal

One of the things that makes prospects feel skeptical is a generic, cookie-cutter sales presentation. It’s your responsibility to make your prospect feel that you custom designed your presentation for them. Learn your potential client’s name and use it throughout the presentation. This helps build a sense of comfort and familiarity, breaking down emotional barriers and helping prospects feel that you actually care about them. To further demonstrate that you care, ask your prospect about themselves and their situation.

Be an Active Listener

Prospects want to feel like they’re being heard. When your prospect is speaking, that isn’t the time to be thinking of what to say next to move the sale forward. Of course, you need to do so, but it’s absolutely critical that you genuinely and actively listen to what your prospect has to say. Listen to the concerns they voice, and acknowledge that you’ve heard them by repeating their concerns back to them before you proceed with a response or follow-up question.

The Value of Validation

Prospects want to feel respected and be viewed as intelligent decision-makers. You can help ensure that your prospects feel this way by validating their opinions and ideas. When you authenticate their concerns and thoughts rather than trying to delegitimize them, you give your prospect the sense that you’re not on different teams and that you understand and respect where they’re coming from.

Put Their Defenses At Ease

This point is absolutely key! There are several action steps you can take to help ease your prospect’s personal defenses. Clearly lay out your warranties or personal guarantee, and let your track record speak for itself! How? Offer up testimonials, examples and success stories that show the proven value of your service.


If you want to experience ongoing success as a business entrepreneur, you need to understand that respect is fundamental. Without exception, treat each and every person you deal with – including prospects – with the utmost respect. Respect their opinions, their time, and their right to see things differently than you do. When you treat everyone in the buying process with respect, you’ll develop a reputation as an honorable individual with whom people will want to do business.

Don’t Pile on the Pressure

Nobody wants to feel like they’re being pushed around. Never rush or pressure your prospect. Doing so will back-fire! Listen, validate and give your prospect the time they need to reach a purchase decision. Learn to coach prospects’ gently and genuinely toward a purchase decision by addressing their objections early on in the sales presentation.

Show Your Gratitude

When your prospect gives you their business, you want them to walk away feeling like they made the right choice in trusting and working with you. Send your prospect a prompt hand-written thank you card or small token gift after you’ve made the sale to express your appreciation for their business.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I teach you how to more effectively manage your prospects’ emotional states and help make them comfortable and confident enough to trust and do business with you. Start worrying less about listing off the detailed features of your product or service, and more about how your prospect feels. When you’re successful in helping your prospect feel a plethora of positive emotions, they’ll feel ready to buy from you.