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Attention Mompreneurs!

There’s a special group of entrepreneurs who – arguably – understand the many challenges and demands of finding work-life balance more than anyone else: Mompreneurs.

photo 1If you aren’t familiar with the term, Mompreneurs are female business owners who strive to effectively balance the role of being a mother with the role of being an entrepreneur (no easy task!).

Success in entrepreneurship is always the result of passion, persistence and hard work. Starting a new business, getting it up on its feet and making it thrive takes great personal discipline, consistency and TIME. Time is a commodity that even the most organized and disciplined moms are often short of.

Like all entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs need skills, structure, a schedule and a clearly mapped out action plan. Without daily benchmarks to reach and hours set aside to reach them in, moms can easily find themselves – quite understandably – pulled in endless directions. Staying focussed and maintaining consistency are key for Mompreneurs that want to gain traction and really make a mark.

With Mother’s Day around the corner, I want to tip my hat to the mothers who work hard to provide for their families. I encourage all Mompreneurs to take a few moments and reflect. No doubt, you’re inspired to work hard to create a legacy that will provide for your children and – if you’re really ambitious – for your grandchildren. But it’s important ask yourself, are you too exhausted at the end of the day or work week to enjoy your family? Do you feel physically run down due to long hours and an even longer to do list? Are you present – physically and emotionally – when your loved ones need you?

If you’re struggling to find balance, you may want to consider working with an experienced business coach. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, we help our clients create the solid foundation and learn the skills and mindsets necessary to stick to a realistic plan that will allow you to grow your business without burning out.

It may also be time to consider sharing your workload. Many women seem to take it upon themselves to do it all. They’re confident in their capabilities, reluctant to leave responsibilities to individuals who aren’t as personally invested in the business, and nervous about spending money on jobs they can manage to do solo.

No one can build a thriving and long-term successful business while maintaining a meaningful personal life by shouldering all of the many responsibilities. It’s true that entrepreneurs do wear many hats, but the entrepreneurs that build thriving businesses learn to build a team that can support them in achieving their goals. Do what you do best, but begin to outsource some responsibilities that drain your time to experts who will accelerate your progress. If you’re a sales savvy entrepreneur but marketing, web development or IT aren’t your strongest suits, considering finding affordable professionals in these fields who can take some work off your plate and free your time up to sell your products or services, and breathe a little!

Celeste Giordano Coaching surrounds itself with a master team of experts that are our go to masters for anything and everything you need to grow your business. From online business managers and branding experts to copywriters and social media pros, we’re plugged into professionals who support us and many of our clients.

Some of you reading this are mothers, some are grandmothers, and others aren’t. But the issue of “too much to do and too little time” is one that all entrepreneurs can appreciate. At times like Mother’s Day, take a breather. If you’re fortunate enough to still have a mother or grandmother, don’t miss an opportunity to spend it with them. If you have children, let them spoil you. Your work will be right there waiting for you when you return, but relationships are priceless and need to be nurtured.

unnamedMy own mother – Emily Link – was always a Mompreneur growing up. She was not only a hardworking go getter, but also a tremendous personal role model. She instilled a strong work ethic in my brother, sister and I; showed us the meaning of opportunity; and demonstrated that if you believe in yourself you can achieve big dreams. Today, we are all entrepreneurs who have owned our own respective businesses for over 30 years. I would like to say thank you to my mother for teaching us the morals, values, integrity, and character that she make us the people we are today. With her guidance, I have come to understand that you cannot become successful without hard work and a commitment to treating people with love and respect. These are the principles that guide me each and every day.

I wish you all a beautiful Mother’s Day, and much success in building a prosperous business that will support you and yours for years to come.

Remember, if you want to “Double Plus” your income this year, bring Celeste Giordano Coaching on board. We’d love to be part of your team and support you in accelerating your business so that you can live your best life.