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The 5 Letter Word That Will Explode Your Productivity

10040220_sWe live in a fast world, and the speed at which it moves is amplified in the life of most business owners and entrepreneurs. Whether you’re just getting started or already have a successful business and are working hard to grow your profits, you know the meaning of a full schedule.

Our world is also noisy. It buzzes beeps, dings and tweets. We’re wired to Smart Phones, iPads and laptops that keep us constantly adrift to what’s happening at the office, our social circles and in the world at large.

Of course, technology has its many advantages. We’re able to connect with prospects and industry professionals in a way we never could before. Almost everyone is “e-accessible”, and many business owners are constantly exploring strategies to better engage new and existing clients and customers online.

Unfortunately, with the advantages of technology, there are also potential dangers. And one of the dangers is a massive hit to your ability to FOCUS. This has the potential to be a big set-back. When you’re unable to focus on executing your daily tasks in a timely manner, your productivity – and profitability – take a big hit.

A Look at Social Media

Being an active social media user isn’t in and of itself a bad thing. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter allow you to connect with new prospects and engage existing clientele. These tools can also help to keep you up to date on what’s happening in your industry. You can also use social media to engage in direct conversations with your market, giving you an intimate understanding of their needs and preferences.

However, and this is a big however, it’s fundamental that you set yourself fixed times to “tune in” to your social media channels. Schedule these times into your planner. If you’re glued to your social media platforms, it’s important that you develop the discipline necessary to ignore the dings, pings and buzzes that constantly escape your phone. By spending too much time on social media, you hurt your ability to focus on other important areas of your business that require attention.

If social media is a time suck for you, consider outsourcing your professional social media needs to an expert who understands your brand. Do this and you’ll likely find that your mind – and time – are freed up to more efficiently achieve your goals.

The Danger of “Multi-Tasking”

While multi-tasking is possible for many business owners and entrepreneurs, it isn’t always the most productive route to take. Often, the best way to conquer a task is to simply plough through it.

If you establish yourself a goal of getting 10-20 new leads every day, set aside a reasonable amount of time to complete this task. When you sit down to accomplish the task at hand, let your cell phone go to voicemail and ignore the notification that you just received a new email. By allocating time to conquer a goal and staying focussed on doing just that, you will increase your efficiency in executing that task, freeing up more time for prospect calls, networking, marketing and sales.

If you fear that by focusing on one task, other business tasks won’t be completed on time or that opportunities will be missed, consider outsourcing some of your work to reputable industry experts. You may be very skilled, but you can’t do it all. In fact, trying to do so may set you backward rather than ahead as you work hard to pursue your entrepreneurial efforts.

Evaluate Your Work Environment

Some entrepreneurs and business owners, quite understandably, have difficulty focussing due to a distracting work environment. The “right” work space is very unique to each individual. Some entrepreneurs work better in a buzzing office or coffee shop, feeding off the white noise and energy. Others find these environments to be counterproductive workspaces, where every nearby conversation and ringing telephone slows down their work or brings it to a standstill entirely.

If you thrive in a quiet work environment, make sure you have an office space or room at home set aside for the purpose of work. Don’t use your kitchen or bedroom as your makeshift office. Work at a proper desk, and make sure that your office is clean and well organized.

You’d be surprised how much seemingly small environmental factors can make a huge difference to your productivity. Ensure that you have fresh air, good lighting and a comfortable working station, and your ability to focus will increase.

If you find that you’re having a lot of difficulty staying focussed as you work to grow your business, you’re not alone. Many highly successful people do not have a natural ease at staying focussed, disciplined and organized. However, these people often most likely achieved their success by learning strategies to cope with their difficulty focussing.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, we teach our clients the tools and skills that they need in order to focus on setting and executing achievable goals, day in and day out, week in and week out. That’s how we help them Double-Plus their income, and so can you. If you’d like to learn to prioritize your sprawling to-do list and take the right steps to see positive results in your business, contact us today.