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The #1 Secret to Why Mentorship Pays!

^135B92E7F2B01AAE8B2B84E71098221647EBF8E561AF872129^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr36 years ago Zig Ziglar – a man who mentored millions during the course of his career – became my first motivational mentor. It’s fitting then that I borrow one of his many popular expressions:

“A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.”

In the business world, the importance of mentorship can’t be stressed enough. Some business owners and entrepreneurs shy away from the prospect of learning from a mentor because they feel it’s an indication that they are inexperienced, less than competent, or unsuccessful. But you’d be hard pressed to find an ultra-successful entrepreneur or business person who hasn’t benefitted from the mentorship of others along the way.

This is true of Google co-founder Larry Page, billionaire Richard Branson and the late CEO of Apple Steve Jobs — they all had mentors who propelled them forward on their respective paths to incredible success.

What exactly do mentors offer that makes them so invaluable?

Accountability. One of the greatest benefits of having a mentor or coach is that they will hold you accountable to stick to your plan and do what you set out to do, when you set out to do it. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, we speak to our clients twice every week to ensure that they’re on track. When a strategy or plan isn’t working effectively, we modify it and continue to track their progress at the following accountability meeting.

A Sounding Board. We choose mentors because they have years of experience and have achieved the success we strive to achieve in our own businesses and endeavours. The right mentor will actively listen to your rationale for the choices you make, and offer constructive feedback when it’s necessary. Having someone to speak with about your short and long term goals, action plan and obstacles can provide you with endless opportunities to learn, grow and ultimately succeed. 

Motivation and Support. More than just a well of knowledge, the right mentor can provide motivation when you experience challenges, roadblocks or setbacks (which we all do!). They can also be the ones pushing you to take more calculated risks, run with new entrepreneurial ideas, and get outside your comfort zone.

Networking and Resources. A mentor who is invested in your success may open new doors, giving you access to resources and networks you did not or could not tap previously. (They may also give you the confidence necessary to branch out and network on your own!) Many of our Celeste Giordano Coaching clients have commented about how being part of our community has enabled them to connect with – and often do business with – industry professionals they would otherwise never have met.

The first step, of course, is checking your ego at the door and acknowledging that you don’t know everything. That’s nothing to be embarrassed by – none of us do. Successful entrepreneurs and businesses owners are constantly searching for ways to learn from others whose values and track record they respect.

Years ago, when I worked for a nationally recognized direct sales company, I was fortunate enough to find mentors in my Divisional Supervisor Bobby Wisinger and his wife Sammie Wisinger and my colleagues, David and Tracy Kayne. These individuals have been tremendous motivators and friends to Mike and I for nearly four decades. Each of them, hugely successful in their own right, took the time to invest in a relationship with us. We get together once or twice a month as well as join in each other’s family celebrations and get-togethers to this day. We are blessed to have benefited from their support, encouragement and guidance with both personal and financial decisions. Without a doubt, as mentors and lifelong friends, they have certainly played a role in our growth and our success.

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An oldie but a goodie, Celeste Giordano pictured here with her two of her mentors – Bobby Wisinger and David Kayne – at one of the many events they attended together.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, we work hard to instill within our clients the belief that they each have seeds of greatness within them, and that there are tried and tested tools and strategies that they can use to nurture those seeds and make their businesses – or sales records – flourish. These are the very same tools that we have used to break our own sales records.

Are you ready to learn the tools and strategies that will help you “Double Plus” your income this year? Take advantage of the business mentorship and accountability that we offer at Celeste Giordano Coaching.