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The 5 Characteristics of People Who Excel in Sales

From time to time, I meet with prospective clients who say, “I’m just not very good at sales. I know I need to do it. I know I can’t grow without it. But it’s just not my strength.”

While I encourage the business owners and entrepreneurs I work with to focus on their top skill areas and outsource other tasks, sales is one area where I have to put my foot down.

Everyone can benefit from knowing how to make a sale, from the owner of the company on down to each and every employee. Even if you don’t sell directly to customers, which most professionals do in one way or another, you’re selling your ideas to your boss and your team.

I’ve found that among successful sales professionals, they share common attributes that contribute to their excellent track records. Here are 5 characteristics of top sellers that we all can learn from.

1. They are motivated. 

Top sales professionals maintain a positive frame of mind regardless of their circumstances. They know that even if a sales call or pitch isn’t going their way, they can turn things around. Even if they haven’t met their goals for the month or year yet, they stay motivated with the mindset that achievement takes daily action.

Motivation feeds on itself. As you work toward something that’s important to you, you continuously generate a sense of fulfillment that drives you when times get tough or progress slows.

2. They know they are capable.

Confidence is incredibly important in any role that includes sales. As an entrepreneur, I know the fundamental role confidence has played in determining my own success in sales. When I felt unsure of myself, business suffered. But when I felt self-assured, I generated more leads and referrals and sales blossomed.

Walking into a meeting feeling capable of closing a deal infuses everything you do, from your eye-contact and handshake to your tone of voice and delivery. And that makes a difference to the decision-maker on the other side of the table, who wants to feel confident investing in you.

Like motivation, confidence builds on itself. Professionals have some success, feel more confident about their abilities, that confidence leads to more sales success, and so on.  [For more on this topic, read 4 Ways to Feel Confident and Composed in Any Business Setting.]

3. They plan ahead.

Simply put, without proper planning, your ability to realize your potential is limited because the steps to take along the path to success are murky or unknown. Top sales pros and business owners know this, and they ensure it doesn’t happen to them or their teams.

It’s essential that you put together a concrete, measurable, and realistic plan that lays out the action steps you need to take daily, weekly, and monthly to reach your goals. Speaking of goals…

4. They believe in the importance of goal-setting.

If one characteristic unites top sales pros, it’s being a true believer in the value of setting goals. If you don’t have a goal, you’re wandering aimlessly and your results will reflect your lack of a target. When you do set goals, particularly goals that seem out of reach, you succeed far more than you might have thought possible.

This happened over and over again throughout my sales career. I achieved sales goals I never would have dreamed of at the start of my career because I set an ambitious goal and then put in place a detailed strategy to make it happen.

5. They are driven by their values. 

At first glance, it might not seem as though values have much to do with sales. But on the contrary, living out the virtues and qualities you hold most dear at work is part of being a person of integrity, and quality customers seek out professionals with strong character and integrity to work with.

If you’re not clear on the values most important to you, here’s an exercise to get clarity on what drives you.

First, write down what makes you happiest in life. Maybe it’s spending time with family, being outdoors, snuggling up with your pet, or attending church each week.

Second, write down what you stand for and believe in more than anything. Your list might include words like freedom, love, faith, gratitude, trust, honesty, plus others you can think of. List about 10 of these values.

Now look at both lists and notice where they overlap. For example, spending time with family corresponds to love and trust. Those overlaps are examples of you living your values and letting them be the driving force behind your work.

Are there values on your list that don’t correspond to moments throughout your week? That could indicate that you’re not truly living those important values. Are there ways you can incorporate them into your day to day life? And especially into your work?

Choosing to live a life driven by your core values will not only make you a better salesperson, it will make you a more fulfilled, happier human being with integrity.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I coach my clients in the most important strategies for success in business, as well as getting more satisfaction out of life in general, so that all of your hard work will truly pay off in making your life better. If you want to become a master at sales and improve your quality of life in the process, contact me today.

Want to find out how to turn your unique attributes into your greatest competitive advantages?

I am hosting an upcoming event: Building a Legacy Business Workshop with guest speaker, Deborah Fawaz. This interactive, practical, fun event is taking place at the 1818 Club in Duluth, GA, on September 17 from 10:00 am–2:00 pm. You’ll discover:

  • How to build a profitable business that serves your highest core purpose
  • The 3 C’s of a “Legacy Mindshift”
  • How to move from selling to serving your clients
  • The science behind why a first impression matters
  • The ultimate system for generating more quality leads in the new economy
  • A rehearsed, confident entrance into an interview, potential client meeting, or networking event
  • An understanding of how your body language affects others
  • A menu of fascinating conversation starters and suggested content
  • A complete styling guide: what to wear to specific events, what does color say about you, and consultations about hair and makeup

Find out more about this event that could change the future of your career here.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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