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Learn. Grow. Achieve. Prosper.

How to be SMART about Goalsetting

Here at Celeste Giordano headquarters my clients are in laser-focused growth mode. With 2018 just a few short weeks away, they are implementing strategies and taking the necessary steps to ensure they hit the ground running – and generating profit – in the New Year.

American actress and comedian Lily Tomlin says “The road to success is always under construction.” This is absolutely true in business and entrepreneurship. Simply put, if you aren’t growing, you aren’t on a success track.

So, what is the key ingredient to ensuring personal and professional growth so you can succeed in your business in 2018?

You’ve got to be SMART about it.

In order to help you grow your business, last week I challenged you to reflect on your business by asking yourself some specific questions and answering them honestly. The next step is to use your answers to create SMART short term and long term goals.

Setting SMART goals represents the “Achieve” pillar of my personal motto – Learn, Grow, Achieve and Prosper. The equation is simple: SMART work + hard work = achievement!

Setting SMART Goals

Most if not all of the most successful entrepreneurs I have learned from use the SMART system for goal-setting.

SMART is an acronym for Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Setting SMART goals is a simple tool used to create actionable plans that generate RESULTS.

Businessman, author and syndicated columnist Harvey Mackay says “A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.” Having grand dreams or visions for your business sounds nice, but dreams are fleeting. Contrarily, SMART goals are real, tangible plans of action designed to efficiently get you where you want to be.

Whether you’re setting personal goals, business goals, or both, SMART goals summarize your performance expectations and outline measures to determine when you’ve reached your goal.

Let’s break down each component of the SMART goal system.

S. Smart goals are SPECIFIC.

Goals must be clear, well-defined, and strategic. A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. Because the goals are focused, you can easily measure your progress toward their completion.

M. Smart goals are MEASURABLE.

Goals must be measurable where you can quantify concrete indicators of progress and accomplishment. A goal without a measurable outcome is like a sporting event without a scoreboard.  If your goals are not measurable, you never know whether you are making progress toward their successful completion.

A. Smart goals are ATTAINABLE.

To be attainable, goals must fall within a practical range of achievement and represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work, both personally and financially.  Realistic business goals should be based on the current economic conditions and realities.  The best goals require you to stretch to achieve them.

R. Smart goals are RELEVANT.

Goals must support your overall business mission and vision.  These results-oriented goals must also align with current tasks and projects.

T. Smart goals are TIME-BOUND.

Goals must be grounded within a time frame with a starting point, ending point, intermediate checkpoints, and a fixed duration. Commitment to intermediate and final deadlines helps to focus work efforts on completion of the goal and build a sense of urgency.  Mark goal dates on your calendar.

Practical Tips for Achieving Your SMART Goals in 2018

It’s time to get SMART about creating and achieving your goals! Get started by implementing these essential tips.

  • Put your goals in writing. A goal is not a goal until you write it or type it. Capture each goal on paper or on the computer screen. Post the goals in prominent places so you can be reminded of them often.
  • Share your goals with your business coach. Another way to solidify your commitment to realizing your goal is to share it with your business coach. As part of your support team, your business coach can provide you with encouragement, advice, healthy feedback and/or a listening ear. It’s also important to share your goals with someone you respect and trust in your personal life such as your spouse or a close friend who will motivate and support you as your pursue your goals.
  • Invest in the resources you need to accomplish your goals. Once you have written your goals, compile a list of the material and human resources you need to realize your goals. Then, develop a concrete action plan to obtain those resources. For instance, if your goal is to increase sales and profitability, you might add finding a reputable accountant to your human resources list.
  • Identify potential obstacles. It’s normal to face road blocks as you pursue your goals. They are an opportunity for ingenuity, growth and development. But it’s important that you take time to evaluate potential road blocks you may face in pursuit of reaching your goals so you can strategically overcome them. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work with my clients to identify obstacles before they encounter them, especially those obstacles that may cost invaluable time and money.
  • Reflect on your skillsets. Don’t forget to consider the role you play in the equation. Consider whether you need to improve or learn a new skill in order to achieve your goals. Then, implement a strategy for developing the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.
  • Determine a minimum of one daily action you can take. The little things you do every day are what will propel you towards the long term win – realizing your objectives within the given time frame. Develop a passion for being action oriented, and remember that consistency is vital to your success.
  • Establish motivational rewards. Rewards along the way make the journey to completing your goals more fun and provide extra incentive to accomplish them. Ask yourself what meaningful rewards will help you celebrate reaching milestones on the road to success.
  • Track your progress along the way. Build in check points to evaluate your progress.  Check in with key folks who are working with you, including your business coach, and get realistic updates from them.  If needed, make necessary adjustments.
  • Choose an action you will take right now, after you finish reading this article. There is no time like the present to take the first action step toward establishing and pursuing a SMART goal. To borrow Nike’s genius simple but profound slogan, “JustDo it!”

What’s Holding You Back from Taking Action?

Albert Einstein famously said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If you didn’t reach the goals you set for yourself in 2017, it’s time to consider what you plan to do differently next year to achieve RESULTS. Following the SMART goal system is one of the most expedient ways to achieve positive change and progress in your business.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I teach my clients the strategies that are needed to build a Legacy Business and live their best life at the office and beyond. If you’d like to “Double Plus” your income this year all while creating a lifestyle that allows you to spend time doing the things you love with the people you love most, contact me today.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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