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Be SMART About Creating and Achieving Your Goals – part 2

Goal PlanningOnce you have created your SMART goals, here are a few essential tips to achieving your SMART goals.

  • Write your goals; don’t just store them in your mind.  A goal is not a goal until you write it or type it.  Capture each goal on paper or on the computer screen.  Post the goals in prominent places so you can be reminded of them often.
  • Share your goals with at least two key people:  your business coach and your spouse.   In addition, share with other people who are supportive and positive.  As part of your support team, your business coach can provide you with encouragement, advice, healthy feedback and/or a listening ear.
  • Identify the resources you need to make your goals happen. Immediately after writing your goals, make a list of both material and human resources needed, and develop action plans to obtain those resources.  For example, as you plan to increase sales, cash flow, and profits, add an accountant to your human resources list.
  • Detect potential obstacles.   Take time to evaluate potential road blocks to achieving your goals and take action to clear them.  Based on her experience, a business coach can help you identify obstacles before you encounter them, especially those obstacles that may cost you time and money.
  • Make a list of everything you will need to do to reach your goal.  Don’t forget to consider yourself.  Do you need to improve or learn a new skill, or do you need the help of other people?
  • Pinpoint at least one daily action item.  The little things you do every day are what will propel you towards the long term win – realizing your objectives within the given time frame. Develop a passion for being action oriented, and remember that consistency is vital to your success.
  • Identify rewards.  Rewards along the way make the journey to completing your goals more fun and provide extra incentive to accomplish them.  What meaningful rewards will you identify for yourself to celebrate success?
  • Evaluate your progress along the way – Build in check points to evaluate your progress.  Check in with key folks who are working with you, including your business coach, and get realistic updates from them.  If needed, make necessary adjustments.
  • Identify an action you will take right now, after you finish reading this article.  Do it.

Now you can be SMART about creating and achieving your goals!

 Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications