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Are You Too Critical of Yourself? How It Could Be Costing You at Work

Do you talk to yourself in a way that you would never, ever talk to another person? Do you criticize yourself for things that happened in the past? Lack confidence in your abilities? Feel like you’re not good enough to achieve your goals?

If so, I want you to know that you are not alone.

Too many of the entrepreneurs I meet struggle with self esteem. Whether it results from poor physical health, professional setbacks like losing a job, relationship difficulties, or a basic sense of lack of control in life, low self confidence affects your career in ways too important to ignore.

Being overly critical of yourself affects your earning potential. Your bottom line won’t flourish if you don’t approach all areas of your business with confidence. As personal achievement guru Jim Rohn said, “Income seldom exceeds your personal development.”

When you are your own boss, low confidence makes it difficult to be assertive, stand up for yourself, and advocate for your business. This can mean feeling reluctant to attend networking events, make sales calls, or ask for referrals.

It also affects your future business prospects. It’s harder to take risks, you’re less likely to pursue new ideas you have, and you might be under-cutting the goals you set. Fear of failure and rejection governs those with poor self-esteem.

Other people pick up on your lack of confidence too, and they might be more likely to try to take advantage of you.

Entrepreneurs with poor self esteem inevitably miss out on the opportunities and experiences that can enrich their business and personal lives. This leaves them feeling even more helpless, lowering their self-esteem even further. It’s a destructive – and unproductive – downward spiral.

However, there is good news if you’ve struggled with the way you see yourself and your abilities. There are simple action steps you can take to break this cycle and see yourself the way others see you.

Train Yourself to Think Positively.

Remind yourself regularly that despite your weaknesses you are an individual with unique traits and talents. Think back on your previous accomplishments and the times you have achieved success. Become aware of your negative self-talk. Whenever you tell yourself “I can’t,” “I’m a failure,” or “Nobody likes me,” challenge these thoughts.

Try this exercise. Make three separate lists of your greatest strengths, personal and professional achievements, and the things you like most about yourself. Store them in your wallet or pocketbook. Whenever you experience a negative thought, pull out your lists and read a few items.

Lean on Your Support System.

Share the challenges you’re facing and the insecurities you’re feeling with your closest friends and family. Ask for their advice and support. Most likely, they in turn will share with you some similar challenges they have faced. Knowing you have people who love you in your corner will strengthen and encourage you.

This is an area where a business coach can be particularly helpful. In addition to holding you accountable, they can relate to the struggles you’re facing on your journey and share strategies that will help you get back on track.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, one of the exercises I do with clients is identifying what’s holding them back and creating a strategy to overcome self-doubt. That can be the difference maker that turns their business into a thriving legacy businesses.

Focus on Others.

If you’re feeling down, one of the best ways to feel better is to do something nice for others. Of course, this can mean volunteering for a cause or nonprofit that is close to your heart. But it can also be as simple as raking your elderly neighbor’s leaves or bringing soup to a friend who is feeling under the weather. You’ll be amazed at how fulfilling and empowering giving of yourself to others can be.

Set an Achievable Goal.

Identify a goal you can achieve, whether it’s trying a new yoga class or making 3 sales calls this morning. These activities can help awaken new confidence within you that will empower you in other areas of your life.

Take Care of Yourself.

In order to have a confident, healthy mindset in business and all other areas of your life, you need to take care of your physical well-being. When your health and well-being take a back seat, every area of your life suffers. Here a few ways you can take better care of yourself.  Even if you’re not feeling like you can take all of these on at once, dedicating yourself to even just one will give you noticeable results in the way you feel.

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Skipping meals and then binge-eating will leave you depleted of energy. Plan ahead to eat three meals a day and carry healthy snacks with you when you’re on the run. Don’t watch television, drive, or do work while you’re eating (this leads to overeating).
  • Dress for success. Often, individuals with poor self-confidence don’t take great pride in their personal appearance. The way you present yourself not only conveys a message to others about you, it also impacts how you perceive yourself! In addition to wearing professional, flattering attire, style your hair and keep your nails trimmed and/or manicured. A sharp dresser exudes professionalism and will help you carry yourself with confidence. Even if you’re working from home, get dressed in the morning just as you would if you were going to meet an important client.
  • Make exercise a regular part of your daily routine. Get some fresh air and go for a walk every day. This will not only help reduce stress and keep you active but also give you time to clear your head and collect your thoughts. Try to incorporate more intense exercise three times a week to energize you and give you feel-good endorphins.
  • Ensure you’re getting sufficient sleep. When you skip out on sleep, your quality of your work suffers.

Create An Empowering Living Space.

Your living and work spaces can impact your state of mind. Keep these spaces clean, organized, and comfortable. Put items on display that remind you of your achievements. This can include diplomas, awards, trips you’ve been able to take, and the people you value in your life. It’s important to create a separate workspace for the sole purpose of conducting business. Don’t work at the kitchen table, on the sofa, or anywhere where you’ll be interrupted or distracted. Create a home office you can be proud of, complete with an organized desk, proper lighting, and a comfortable seat with back support. This will help put you in a winner’s frame of mind.

Make Time for the Things You Love.

Entrepreneurs can become so consumed with business matters that they fail to make time for the things they enjoy. Make it a priority to do at least one non-work related thing you enjoy every day, whether it’s painting, baking, listening to your favorite music, or calling an old friend. You should also make it a priority to spend quality time with your family or spouse. This may feel challenging at times, but it’s important for your well-being – and you deserve it!

You matter. You’re worthy. And you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Don’t let fear and self-doubt hold you back from achieving outstanding success. Contact me today if you’re ready to learn practical ways to overcome personal obstacles, create a winning mindset, and “Double Plus” your income.

Blueprint Magazine – Volume 4

“Celebrating Generations”

In this latest issue of The Blueprint, several articles focus on how you can smartly meet your professional and personal goals. Articles are written by authors spanning all generations, filled with knowledge to inspire and motivate you.

My hope is that The Blueprint inspires you in all aspects of your life – to grow your business, to prosper in your personal life and to serve the community and world around you.

Click here to subscribe for your free copy.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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