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Use It or Lose It: How to Tap Your True Potential THIS Year

Potential“Untapped potential is the difference between where a person is now and where he or she can be.” – Bo Bennett

Sales is always something I had a natural knack for.  That doesn’t mean I didn’t work at it, and it doesn’t mean I’ve never stumbled, but sales and networking have always been strengths of mine. That’s why I’m in the people business.

Every business entrepreneur and every professional has strong points. Some of us excel at strategic planning, while others are natural marketing experts. Still others are brilliant when it comes to crunching numbers and keeping the books.

We all have unique, God-given gifts and talents. Most of us pursue professional paths or entrepreneurial ventures that allow us to use our natural talents.

 But somehow, as we juggle a myriad of responsibilities and navigate hectic schedules, we find ourselves under utilizing our God-given gifts. We get stuck in our routines and avoid rocking the boat. Rather than questioning if we could be more, do better or accomplish greater things, we get  comfortable with the status quo.

The question is: Do you feel stuck?

Are you struggling with the same obstacles year after year or failing to escape the plateau you’ve reached in your sales, business or career? One of the possible explanations is that you aren’t utilizing your gifts or spending enough of your time doing what you do best.

Of course, there are many reasons we fall into these patterns of mediocrity. But one of the reasons is simply that we stopped pushing.

You may even be satisfied with the status quo of your business or professional life, but when’s the last time you allowed yourself to picture a more prosperous year for yourself and your family?

I’d like to propose that you decide to make 2016 the year that you’ll challenge yourself to push, to reach higher and to use your God-given skills and talents. Don’t just do it because “if you don’t use it, you lose it”. Do it because you can.

As we enter the new year, it’s important to have a plan. If you want to achieve great things in 2016 – both in your personal and professional life – then you need to think big and make the commitment to invest in yourself. You may have degrees, personal successes and years of professional experience under your belt, but you’re never finished learning. Successful people are like sponges; they constantly soak up knowledge and learn new skills from books, programs, mentors – everywhere.

By far, the most critical step you can take to making 2016 a prosperous year is to have a plan. Your plan should be concrete, realistic and measurable.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, we walk clients through a step-by-step proven program designed to empower clients to take action, set benchmarks, maintain a positive mindset and learn the sales strategies that will catapult you to the next level THIS year. Expedite that process by joining the Silver Council Program today. Contact me at for more information.

To sum this lesson up, when you use your gifts, more opportunity will come your way. You can’t see results without shaking up your status quo and pushing yourself to grow. In 2016, don’t make excuses for yourself or wait for the perfect time to reach your goals. When you sit back and wait, the “right” time never comes. Dare to take steps forward NOW and develop yourself and your business.

Actualize your potential and “Double Plus” THIS year to make 2016 the most productive and prosperous yet.