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Let Freedom Ring as We Celebrate Our Independence

Happy Independence Day! I hope that you have a safe and patriotic day celebrating our nation’s freedom.

I don’t know about you, but when I think of July 4th, memories and strong sentiments are stirred up.

Of course, I’m incredibly grateful and indebted to the brave forces who literally put their lives on the line to ensure that the safety, security, and independence I treasure remain intact not only on Independence Day but every day.

I have always cherished childhood memories of spending summers visiting with my grandmother – “Grandma Quinn” – in South Carolina, whose birthday fell on July 4th. For me, part of Independence Day always included quality time spent with family.

Perhaps you think of colorful fireworks displays, pool time under the summer sun, stars and stripes, or backyard barbeques with friends and family.

But as independent business owners and professionals, our Independence Day associations should run even more deeply than that.

Here’s why…

The core values we celebrate on July 4th – independence and freedom – are the very same values that allow us to live the lives we love. That’s why it’s called “Independence Day,” and that’s why we continue to celebrate it year after year!

Without the independence and freedom that we enjoy here in the United States, our professional goals and aspirations would be little more than distant pipedreams. Many people in countries around the world merely dream of the careers we are able to pursue here.

As we juggle day-to-day personal responsibilities, professional demands, and busy schedules, it’s so easy to take these gifts for granted. But around Independence Day, I encourage you to reflect on just how fortunate we are to be able to pursue our best lives.

For me, Independence Day is more than just a day of celebration – it’s a day of APPRECIATION. 

On July 4th, we are grateful for the glorious independence and invaluable freedoms that make us proud to be Americans.

I’m grateful and privileged to live in a country where I can get up every morning, diligently run my proven business model, and enjoy the results of my labor — without fear of oppression.

I’m grateful and humbled to be in a position where I can teach other entrepreneurs the tools, strategies, and mindsets they need to build their own legacy businesses.

I’m grateful and compelled to do all that I can to achieve my goals. I owe it to myself and you owe it to yourself to take advantage of our independence and actualize our invaluable potential.

After all, wasn’t it independence and freedom that propelled you into the career that you now work so hard for? Remember these 3 sources of professional freedom this week and every week:

Freedom #1: TimeYou may have to work hard, but you’re able to choose how to spend your time, both professionally and personally, so you can live a full, balanced life and pursue other interests. You can also free up more time by working effectively and efficiently.

Freedom #2: RelationshipsYou have the power to decide with whom you spend your time – both in and out of the office. You get to decide which type of clients or customers to pursue, which employees or contractors to collaborate with, and whom to network with professionally.

Freedom #3: MoneyIf you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, there’s no ceiling on how much you can earn. The smarter you work, the more money you can bring home. Even if you work for a corporation and your salary is determined by your boss, you have the freedom to make yourself an invaluable asset to the team that company executives will want to compensate fairly to keep you around.

Commit yourself today to pursue and protect your personal and professional freedoms fiercely. And when you’re ready to build a Legacy Business that can’t be built without the priceless freedoms and liberties we enjoy, please contact me.

Want to find out how to turn your unique attributes into your greatest competitive advantages?

I am hosting an upcoming event: Building a Legacy Business Workshop with guest speaker, Deborah Fawaz. This interactive, practical, fun event is taking place at the 1818 Club in Duluth, GA, on July 18 from 10:00 am–2:00 pm. You’ll discover:

  • How to build a profitable business that serves your highest core purpose
  • The 3 C’s of a “Legacy Mindshift”
  • How to move from selling to serving your clients
  • The science behind why a first impression matters
  • The ultimate system for generating more quality leads in the new economy
  • A rehearsed, confident entrance into an interview, potential client meeting, or networking event
  • An understanding of how your body language affects others
  • A menu of fascinating conversation starters and suggested content
  • A complete styling guide: what to wear to specific events, what does color say about you, and consultations about hair and makeup

Find out more about this event that could change the future of your career here.

Everybody Loves to Color!

Color My Day: A 3-in-1 Planner, Journal, and Coloring Book takes organizing your day, week, and month to a new and exciting level. With this guided creativity book, you can equip yourself with the tools to help you be productive, reflective, and creative in your personal life and career — while having fun!

This 13-week planner — sprinkled with fun, quirky, positive, and inspiring quotes and images — is designed to guide you in expressing your own creativity while making to-do lists, tracking habits, scheduling your day, keeping your diary, and setting goals.

The best part is we’ve created an accountability partner that you can take anywhere. Step away from your digital devices, flip through the pages of this book, and make it your own.

Maybe you don’t consider yourself artistic, but Color My Day will spark your creativity. Each page is a basic template for you to personalize by adding your tasks, ideas, and plans in your own designs and favorite colors to inspire every area of your life.

Use the code GIORDANO for a 10% Discount!

VOLUME II is now available with new trackers, quotes, and graphics!

Learn More Here!

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

Want to use this article? Please feel free to use this content as long as you keep it in its original format and include a link to the original post and Celeste Giordano’s brief bio.