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3 Mindset Shifts to Achieve Everything You Want This Year

We’re back at our desks, immersing ourselves in the routine, and ready to make 2020 a successful year right from the start.

But how are you going to ensure that this is the year that your aspirations become reality?

We talk a lot about goal-setting, budgeting, marketing, and the other important aspects of business success, but as we begin the new year, don’t overlook one of the key aspects of achievement: your mindset.

We teach children the importance of having a positive attitude, but as we walk through the journey of adulthood, many of us slip away from its transformational power.

Your mindset shapes your thoughts, self esteem, the choices you make, and – most importantly – your results.

A positive attitude will carry you far in your business. It directly affects your confidence and self-esteem. Potential customers, staff, suppliers, investors, and indeed everyone you come into contact with will notice your attitude, which is a direct result of your mindset.

Positivity is infectious. When you possess an upbeat attitude, everyone in your company will feel more positive and more clients will want to do business with you.

Likewise, a negative mindset will drag you down, and drag others down around you. Ask yourself: Could a negative mindset be preventing me from achieving outstanding results?

Today, we’re going to talk about 3 ways to shift your thinking in 2020 to be more positive, more confident, and more successful.

Shift to YES Thinking.

Many people go through life in “victim mode.” They don’t do it intentionally, but they let things happen to them, and feel like a victim as a result of problems large and small.

You’re not a victim. You’re a leader. You’re a winner. You’re a positive-thinking servant of God. 

As you set your goals for this year and as you get started putting them into action, get in the mindset of saying yes: yes to taking risks, yes to your clients, yes to taking action, yes to being yourself even when that means being different, yes to doing what it takes to succeed. Be relentless in your pursuit of YES.

Set an Intention.

Some folks make a New Year’s resolution. Others choose one word as a theme for the year. Still others set 20 goals for 2020. These are all well-intentioned, but I suggest a different approach.

I don’t have to tell you that resolutions usually fail shortly after they begin. There are a lot of reasons for that, but I believe that one reason also explains why choosing a word or a lot of small goals doesn’t produce the results you want to achieve.

This is the problem: these are all ways of thinking small. I encourage you to think big. Purposefully set a big, all-encompassing intention for your year and let it guide you in making many decisions toward all of the goals you want to achieve.

You could choose to set an intention to be mindful in the present moment. This would apply to a meeting with a potential client, as well as time spent with your loved ones instead of on your phone, as well as making mindful eating choices. One intention can make a big difference in your year.

You could set an intention to serve others. You could set an intention to strive for more. You could set an intention to choose kindness. Whatever intention you set, write it down, put it somewhere prominent, and come back to your intention with decisions both large and small.

Be Uplifted. 

We are products of our surroundings. The people we interact with most, the books we read, the television we watch, the media we consume, and the places we spend our time.

So I have to ask you – are your surroundings lifting you up? Or are they bringing you down?

Are the people you talk to building your self esteem? Or tearing it apart?

Is what you watch and listen to sparking inspiration in you? Or is it sparking fear in you?

Are the places you spend time making you the best version of yourself? Or do they make you settle for mediocre?

Don’t overlook the power of surrounding yourself with people and ideas that support you, drive you, inspire you, and uplift you. That can make all the difference this year.

Are you one of the 5,000+ people getting inspiration and encouragement from the Celeste Giordano Coaching Facebook and LinkedIn pages? Follow us for daily positive ideas and motivation to improve your business and your life.

And if you’re ready to make 2020 the year you finally achieve what you’ve been hoping for, contact me today. We can create a plan that will allow you to build your legacy business and “double plus” your revenue this year.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work with each client to implement the strategies they’ve been missing that will enable them to break through barriers preventing them from the success they know they are capable of. Contact me today to find your future clients who just don’t know what they’re missing.