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Why it Pays to Hire an Accountability Coach

6a2fc3cd2aa9664baf4367a2f948602dIn my last blog, Are Your REALLY Holding Yourself Accountable Today?” I dug deep into the topic of accountability and discussed the colossal difference staying accountable can make when you’re trying to push yourself to reach new heights in sales. Setting measurable goals, finding an accountability partner and staying committed to the process of “checking in” can be rewarding, both personally and financially.

It sounds pretty straight forward really. Find someone to be accountable to, check in with them, and stay on track. So…why haven’t you?

The truth is that there are several reasons why it pays to hire an accountability coach:

It’s tough to do it on your own. If you were able to stay accountable to reaching your goals independently, you would have done it already. Needing an accountability partner doesn’t make you a failure – it makes you human! Even the most skilled and promising salespeople need help creating an action plan and making it stick. Having a support team will accelerate the process of allowing you to reach your goals and build your legacy.

Friends or partners just don’t cut it. As well-meaning as friends, family or partners may be, it’s best to keep your accountability partner outside of your inner circle. An accountability partner should be someone who can keep you honest and give you a kick in the pants if you fall short. Your friends and loved ones may be afraid to share their honest feedback with you out of concern for your feelings or fear of the repercussions of brutal honesty. It’s also important to make your accountability sessions focussed. It’s easy to get off topic and off track when you’re chatting with your nearest and dearest.

Coaches coach. To get the maximum value out of an accountability coach, it’s in your best interest to choose an individual with expertise in the world of sales. When coaches are intimately familiar with the challenges you face and have overcome those struggles themselves, they can recommend strategies and adjustments that will allow you to reach your specific sales goals. If you’re ready to work with a master sales and business development strategist, contact me today. I would love to give you the tools and support necessary to stay accountable.

You Need A Proven System. Another key reason why you should consider hiring an experienced accountability coach is because you stand to benefit from their tried and tested accountability system. To reach your daily, weekly and monthly goals, you need an easy-to-follow methodology. Professional accountability coaches have tools and resources that can help you stay on track and ultimately realize your sales goals.

As a master sales and business develop strategist, I have decades of business development  and sales experience. With years of hard work, I learned first-hand the power of accountability. I’ve developed a proven system that allows my clients to conquer their daily disciplines and ultimately succeed in achieving their short term and long term goals.

My Legacy Business Accountability Program is designed specifically for business entrepreneurs and salespeople looking to break through the barriers that have been holding them back from great success. This 30 day program gives clients the tools, resources and coaching support necessary to track their progress and stay accountable

There are a few spots left in the program, and I’d love to support you in reaching your goals. Contact me today to learn more about the program and reserve your spot.