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Why Every Entrepreneur Needs to Master Lead Generation

This week, I am sharing the tremendous value of lead generation, and how you can develop your own lead generation skills. But first, do you know that I have dozens of videos on topics like this on my YouTube Channel? If you have not already done so, head on over there and click the Subscribe button so you don’t miss any of that great content, including the brand new season of the WCEG Global Legacy and Wealth Building Series!

So many entrepreneurs I’ve been privileged to meet over the last 4+ decades felt STUCK in their business. Do you ever feel that way?

I’d like to explore why business owners get stuck, because breaking through a roadblock can have phenomenal, profitable results.

To this day, the number one complaint I get from professionals and entrepreneurs who seek my support and guidance at Celeste Giordano Coaching is: “I don’t have enough money.”

Now, you might think that makes sense. After all, we’re all in business to make money. That’s what differentiates a hobby owner from a real business owner!

When entrepreneurs don’t have enough money, it tends to drive everything they do and every decision they make in their business. From the moment they wake up to the moment they lay their heads down after a long day’s work, money is their number one focus.

I get it. It’s hard to think about anything else when the bills have to get paid. I’m sure many of you can relate.

But the reality is, focusing on getting paid doesn’t result in new business.

As ambitious entrepreneurs, our focus is naturally on the end-goal: getting paid. But lead generation needs to come first. Without an effective system for generating leads, there is no opportunity to generate the new business necessary to earn more money.

One of the core philosophies I teach in my program is that when entrepreneurs shift their focus to generating quality leads, their money problems quickly disappear.

If you’re struggling to meet your monthly income goal, it’s time to get serious about lead generation. That’s exactly what I teach my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients to do.

What is Lead Generation?

Before digging into the nitty gritty of how to generate leads, qualify leads, and convert leads into customers or clients, let’s start with the basics: What exactly is a lead?

A lead is someone who has indicated interest in your company’s product or service in some way, shape, or form. They may have signed up to your newsletter after hearing you speak at a business conference, communicated with you at a networking event or commented on an article you published on LinkedIn.

Now that we’ve clarified what a lead is, let’s define lead generation. It’s a way of attracting potential customers to your business and getting them on the path to ultimately making a purchase decision.

Cold Calling vs. Contacting Quality Leads

Contacting a lead who has expressed interest in what you do or offer is much easier than “cold calling.” Cold calling is making an unsolicited call—in person or by phone—in an attempt to sell goods or services.

With the right strategies, an entrepreneur can succeed in this realm, but it’s much more challenging than contacting a quality lead who has knowledge of or interest in what you do. There is a much higher risk of rejection with cold-calling than contacting a quality lead.

It’s critical to recognize that whether you’re cold-calling or engaging in lead-generating activities, you have to build a relationship with your prospect before trying to sell them. In a conversation with a lead, your job is to personalize the conversation and demonstrate how your product or service will solve your lead’s problems and add value to their life.  

Why Every Entrepreneur Needs to Master Lead Generation

Lead generation initiatives are so important because they connect you with ideal customers and allow you to build relationships. Without lead generation, you’re forced to rely on luck and hope that your ideal customer will stumble upon your website and make a purchase.

If you don’t engage in lead generation, you give away your power in the sales process. And in today’s economy, with competitors taking decisive action to win the attention of your target audience, you can’t afford to give your power away and leave your success to chance. Lead generation means taking the initiative to connect with ideal customers.

Here’s the good news: Lead generation doesn’t have to cost you a fortune! There are many effective lead generation strategies that are absolutely free and produce powerful results.

The following acronym helps guide me every time I meet a new prospective lead:

L stands for LISTEN. Your one and only job when you meet a new person is to listen. Rather than focusing on selling yourself and telling others what you do, encourage others to talk about themselves by asking questions!

E stands for ENGAGE. Engage in a conversation about your lead. What do they value? What matters most to them? What are they struggling with?

A stands for ACQUAINT. Get acquainted with the person’s problems. When you listen attentively and show genuine interest and care, people will eventually share their problems and concerns with you. This information is critical in order to eventually demonstrate how your product or service is a solution.

D stands for DEVELOP. Every step of the way, remember you aren’t just trying to SELL yourself. You’re developing a two-way relationship. When you build a real rapport, asking to schedule an appointment is a natural, organic next step. In addition to teaching my clients the science of lead generation, I empower them to move their initial conversations with leads to complementary sales calls, and convert those calls into lucrative sales.

Don’t Underestimate the Value of a Lead

Each and every individual you meet has tremendous value. Think of them as precious gold bricks. Each person you meet could become your most valuable, loyal customer or client. They may become a tremendous referral partner for your business. Or they may be someone who can benefit from your service and support. The bottom line is that the way you treat each gold brick is the number one determining factor of how fast you will grow your legacy business.

Contact me to learn a powerful proven system for generating quality leads and double plus your income before this year comes to a close.


Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlus™” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with more than 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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