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The Secret to Overcoming Holiday Mania

23728664_sAs Thanksgiving and the holiday season rev up into high gear, many aspiring entrepreneurs and hardworking business owners silently wish they had more – and could do more – for their loved ones. Can you relate?

For some, this means wishing that they could purchase special gifts or host elaborate get-togethers without a second thought about budget. If this year hasn’t been quite as financially fruitful as you hoped it would be, this time of year can be disheartening and pressure-filled.

For others, trying to juggle work responsibilities at this time of year leaves little quality time to spend with friends and family. Going into this season can feel much like running on a hamster wheel. It can be dizzying and disappointing if work gets in the way of you being truly present for your loved ones.

Still others go into panic mode, worrying about not having achieved their targets for 2014. Some grasp at straws, trying to bring in new business with no solid strategy, while others simply give up and convince themselves that things will turn around somehow in the new year.

The good news is, it’s not too late to salvage this holiday season, nor is it too late to make sure you start 2015 off with focus and drive. You simply have to approach December with the proper mindset.

If you want to spend the final 10 days of the month with friends and family, then you need to accomplish your professional responsibilities in the first 20 days of the month. If you want to purchase a special gift for your child, spouse or parents, you need to take thoughtful action and make these next few weeks really count.

With November rearing to a close, it’s easy to lose focus, get side-tracked from your goals and be swept away into the pre-holiday madness that often encapsulates December. But with the proper plan, you can enjoy your holiday minus the madness.

More importantly, as we approach thanksgiving, we need to be thankful for the many blessings and gifts we do have in our lives. Take note of the people in your life who you appreciate – be it your staff, spouse or a dear friend – and let them know what they mean to you. If you’re healthy, be thankful for your health.

One of the best ways to put into perspective how fortunate you are is to volunteer to help those less fortunate. Make the time to volunteer at your local soup kitchen for a few hours or collect food for you local food bank. I can assure you that this will help you recognize what you do have to be grateful for this holiday season.

You’ve all heard the mantra, “those who fail to plan, plan to fail”? Well, it couldn’t ring truer at this time of year.

As a Master Sales and Business Strategist, speaker and consultant, I know how challenging it can be to put a plan in action and actually execute it. At the beginning of December, I’ll be launching a webinar designed to help business owners and entrepreneurs implement effective plans and take the necessary action steps to build their legacies. Stay tuned for details on how to secure your spot.

Visit to learn more about how I can give you the tools and support that you need to build your legacy business and finish 2014 with peace of mind.