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The Secret to Advancing Faster & 4 Easy Tips to Start Implementing it Now

Are you frustrated that you aren’t advancing fast enough at work? Or is your business not growing as quickly as you’d hoped?

Entrepreneurs and business professionals tend to have grand plans and lofty goals. This is a good thing! Because when we set our standards low, we never accomplish anything remarkable. You NEED those big goals to accomplish something big.

But even those of us who have big dreams hit a brick wall sometimes.

If you’re feeling stuck and hopeless, keep reading, because I’m going to let you all in on a little secret that will help you to reach your goals faster

The Secret to Advancing Faster: Service

The key – that most people don’t even stop to consider – is serving your way up to the top.

Taking time to serve others is ultimately what will take you higher. You’ll not only go farther, but you’ll also be more fulfilled if service is an integral part of your journey.

Some people go through their careers with the attitude, “That’s not in my job description. Somebody else can take care of it.”  If that’s your attitude, you’ll never reach the heights that you’re capable of reaching.

As you go through your career, it’s important to ask the question, “Am I doing service for others outside of my job description?”

You know the old expression, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” It’s true, not just for your wardrobe, but also your attitude.

Too many people are waiting for that “big break” or for things to go their way before they step up their game. Instead, think about what you can do to give a “big break” to the young person starting out in your industry, the family in need, or the friend who is ill.

Don’t wait for the promotion to be the best version of yourself. Be that version today.

By excelling where you are right now, even if it’s not where you want to be, you’re taking the steps to work your way up.

I’ll share an example that happened to me a few years ago. Leading up to Mother’s Day, I chaired a service project for mothers and their kids at a children’s shelter in the Atlanta suburbs. Many of us worked hard leading up to and during the event, but it was worth it for the families we were serving. The CEO of the shelter nonprofit said to me, “I’m going to the Impact Awards luncheon tomorrow. Would you like to come as my guest and sit at our table?”

Now, I knew I would be exhausted the next day. But how could I say no to an opportunity like that? Sitting at that table at lunch the next day was a group of high level business executives who are each well known in the Atlanta area. Not only did they want to hear about our work on the service project, but also they wanted to know about my work as a consultant and corporate trainer.

I had no way of knowing going into this service project that it would open doors for me professionally. But had I not diligently put in the time and effort, that opportunity never would have presented itself.

Service Is Not About Getting Credit

“Be so busy giving recognition to others that you don’t need it yourself.” – Celeste Giordano

You might not ever get a thank you for serving other people. Let that roll off your back.

If what you’re doing seems small or insignificant, remember that by taking those small steps, you’re getting one step closer to your goals. You don’t know where that next small step will take you. Keep doing an excellent job serving right where you are and doors will open for you.

Joel Osteen says, “Success is not an elevator. It’s a set of stairs.”

Maybe you want to start your own business someday, but today you’re working for someone else. Do your best to serve them and their vision each and every day. Before you can ask others to serve you, you’ve got to find out what it means to serve others.

If you are an entrepreneur, and you want to grow your business, get your mind off you and your needs, and shift your focus onto what others need from you. Small acts of service lead to big things.

4 Tips for Putting Service Into Action:

1. Go to work with a positive attitude every day – regardless of your circumstances.

Co-workers, bosses, clients, and vendors will all notice your positive attitude and will gravitate toward you. When they need help from someone with your skillset, they’ll call you first because you’re pleasant to work with. Positivity breeds opportunity.

2. Keep showing up to serve other people, even if you don’t get credit for it.

You may not always receive the thank you that you deserve, but people will notice that you are always there to help others when needed.

3. Do your best. Always.

Everything you do should be done well. Strive to be the best in everything you do. When you produce quality work and positive results, others will notice and opportunities will come your way.

Ask yourself: Am I just doing what’s required? Or am I going the extra mile? Am I thinking big so I can act big? If so, your results will be big too.

4. Don’t overlook the power of service because time spent serving others is never wasted.

Serving others has a long list of benefits that will help you professionally and personally; including stress reduction, socialization, increased happiness, and a sense of belonging.

If you’re frustrated with your lack of professional growth, contact me today to find out how to take your business to the next level without sacrificing what’s important to you like faith, family, and service.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlus™” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with more than 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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