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Tapping into the Freedom to Succeed

What drives a business entrepreneur?

Sure, money and status are factors that motivate many entrepreneurs to work hard to produce results.

But, it’s so much more than that.

Many people turn to entrepreneurship driven by their hunger for freedom and independence. Breaking free of the conventional 9-to-5 job, they crave independence and freedom to choose their destiny.

Freedom of Time. Entrepreneurs may have to work hard, but they’re able to choose how to spend their time. They can also free up more time by working effectively. Entrepreneurs empower themselves to spend their working lives doing what they really enjoy. They also have the freedom not to work sometimes, so they can live a full, balanced life and pursue other interests.

Freedom of Money. As an employee, how much you earn is determined by your boss. No matter how stellar your performance, there is a limit to what you will take home. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, don’t have a ceiling on how much they can earn. The harder – and smarter – they work, the more money they earn.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I empower entrepreneurs and sales teams to utilize proven strategies to “Double Plus” their incomes and build a Legacy Business. When your efforts generate money, you don’t want anyone else limiting how much you get to keep.

Freedom of Relationships. As a business owner, you have greater power to decide with whom to spend your time, both professionally and personally. As an entrepreneur, you choose what type of clients or customers to go after, which employees or sub-contractors to hire, and whom to network with professionally. You also enable yourself to control your own schedule and destiny, so you can spend more quality time with the loved ones, family members and friends you value most.

With July 4th around the corner, all this talk of freedom could not be more timely.

When you think of July 4th, what memories are stirred?

Do you think of colorful fireworks displays, lazy family picnics or sunny backyard BBQs?

I have always cherished childhood memories of spending summers visiting with my grandmother – “Grandma Quinn” – in South Carolina, whose birthday fell on July 4th. For me, July 4th meant quality time spent with family.

But as independent business owners and entrepreneurs, our July 4th associations should run even more deeply than that.

Here’s why…

The core values we celebrate on July 4th – independence and freedom  are the very same values that allow us to live the lives we love. That’s why it’s called “Independence Day”, and that’s why we continue to celebrate it year after year!

Without the independence and freedom that we enjoy here in the United States, our professional goals and aspirations would be little more than distant pipedreams.

For me, Independence Day is more than just a day of celebration – it’s a day of APPRECIATION. On July 4th, we are grateful for the glorious independence and invaluable freedoms that make us proud to be Americans.

I’m grateful and privileged to live in a country where I can get up every morning, diligently run my proven business model, and enjoy the results of my labour – without fear of oppression.

I’m grateful and humbled to be in a position where I can teach other entrepreneurs the tools, strategies and mindsets they need to build their own legacy businesses.

And I’m incredibly grateful and indebted to the brave forces who literally put their lives on the line to ensure the safety, the security and the independence I treasure remain intact.

When we juggle personal responsibilities, professional demands and busy schedules, it’s so easy to take these gifts for granted. But on Independence Day, I encourage you to reflect on just how fortunate we are to be able to pursue our best lives.

Let July 4th serve as a reminder that each one of us has a real opportunity – and arguably an obligation – to do all that we can to achieve all that we can. In short, we owe it to ourselves to take advantage of our INDEPENDENCE and actualize our invaluable potential.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I help my clients build the legacy businesses that couldn’t be built without the priceless freedoms and liberties we enjoy.

Commit yourself to pursuing your personal and professional passions fiercely. And today, take the time to think about just how fortunate we are to dream big, work hard and achieve the seemingly unachievable.