Is a Limited Mindset Holding You Back From Greatness?

A set of human hands holding a pair of scissors in the right hand and the words "we can" in the left hand. It appears that the 't has been cut off of the phrase "we can't"

Last week, I talked about the critical need to eliminate distractions that keep you from greatness. This week, I want to expand on one important distraction that holds so many of us back: our own mindset. I was recently inspired by Joel Osteen’s sermon, “A New Mindset.” In it, he asks if our own thinking…

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How to Build a Business That Will Last for Generations

 “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”  Pericles, Philosopher After celebrating Mother’s Day last month and Father’s Day this month, legacy has been on my mind. So today, I’d like to share the six cornerstones I believe you need to build…

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What Resentments Are Holding Back Your Business? 

In business we all try to put our best foot forward. In the past, I’ve written about one of the biggest keys to true and lasting success in business: integrity. When you conduct yourself with integrity – in words and actions – you always put your best foot forward. This is critical in a world…

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How to Thrive Personally and Professionally in December

    Santa is making his list, gifts are arriving on our doorsteps, tiny lights brighten the streets each night, and the smell of gingerbread cookies wafts through the air. There’s no doubt about it. The Christmas season is here, and with it, feelings and memories of love, joy, and family. But the holidays can…

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How to Build a Lasting Legacy Business You Can Be Proud Of

You might have noticed that I often talk about your business as a “legacy business.” Have you ever wondered what I mean by that? It might bring to mind an image of a local restaurant that gets passed from one generation to another within the family whose name is on the door. That’s certainly one…

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