Sharing Gratitude For Those Who Served

Honoring All Who Served, Veterans Day

Saturday is Veterans Day here in the United States. Our Canadian neighbors to the north are also honoring their veterans on Saturday, which they call Remembrance Day. Veterans Day has always held a very special place in my home and my heart. I am proud to say that my husband Mike served in the Air…

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The Secret to Advancing Faster & 4 Easy Tips to Start Implementing it Now

Are you frustrated that you aren’t advancing fast enough at work? Or is your business not growing as quickly as you’d hoped? Entrepreneurs and business professionals tend to have grand plans and lofty goals. This is a good thing! Because when we set our standards low, we never accomplish anything remarkable. You NEED those big…

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10 Actions to Make a Real Difference

Business and sales are two of my biggest passions…I’m sure this doesn’t come as a surprise to you. After all, I talk a lot about building a legacy business and how to “double-plus” your income! But one of my other passions is giving back to my community, and creating opportunities for empowerment and growth –…

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The Holidays Are Almost Here: Make a Plan to Serve Others

Thanksgiving is just one week away, which means Christmas will be here before we know it! This time of year is hectic for busy professionals and entrepreneurs. In addition to the holiday get-togethers – many of which are outside or on Zoom this year – and gift shopping, there’s also the drive to finish the…

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Not Another New Year’s Spiel: What Will Really Make a Difference in 2020

We counted down. We clinked glasses over midnight toasts. We rang in the New Year hopefully surrounded by the loving faces we wish to spend the dawning decade with. Although 2020 has barely arrived, I would imagine you’ve already received a few emails or seen messages on social media about keeping your New Year’s resolutions.…

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