5 Business Lessons We Learned from Our Mom

Being a mother is a full-time job, but even on the busiest, hardest days, they always seem to juggle every task and curve ball thrown at them without breaking a sweat. They are the epitome of an entrepreneur — raising a family with resilience, determination, flexibility, and grace. Over the last 40 years, I’ve had…

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5 Valuable Lessons We’ve Learned from All the Mothers in Our Lives

With Mother’s Day this weekend, this is a great time to take a moment to honor all of the hard-working women in our lives — our friends, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, stepmothers, ourselves, and of course, our moms. This Sunday, thank a woman in your life other than your mom for the contribution she has made…

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5 Values to Celebrate in All the Mothers in Our Lives

  With Mother’s Day this weekend, this is a great time to take a moment to honor all of the hard-working women in our lives — our friends, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, stepmothers, ourselves, and of course, our moms. This Sunday, thank a woman in your life other than your mom for the contribution she has…

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How to Excel at the Personal Side of Business

  You’ve probably heard the expression, “It’s not personal. It’s business.” I understand the reason people say this, and I agree that you can’t take business decisions personally. If you allow your feelings to get hurt every time a meeting or client call doesn’t go your way, you’re on a road to misery and frustration.…

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How to Be a Leader Who Values and Respects the Whole Team

Today, June 6, is my beloved husband Mike’s birthday and I want to publicly wish him a very happy birthday! We will be celebrating with close friends while we are up here in Cincinnati. In today’s business world, companies increasingly reflect America’s diversity with a mix of women and men of all ages from all…

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