Why You Need a Business Coach Who Offers a Mastermind Group

Are you in the market for a business coach? Hiring a business coach or mentor is a wise step toward building your legacy business. It shows that you are committed to using all of the resources at your disposal to create the life that you desire. It’s important to find the right business coach who…

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It’s Not Too Late to Break Out of Your Rut in 2023

Sales is something I’ve always had a natural knack for. That doesn’t mean I didn’t work hard at it, and it doesn’t mean I’ve never stumbled, but sales and networking are strengths of mine. That’s why I do what I do. Every entrepreneur has strong points. Some of us excel at strategic planning, while others…

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8 Strategies to Grow Your LinkedIn Following

If you’re not networking, you’re not working to grow your business – at least not to your fullest capacity. Networking is an effective, cost efficient way to spread the word about who you are and what services you offer. While face to face networking remains difficult during the pandemic, that should not slow you down.…

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Fall is Here: Time for Some Self Reflection

Kids are back in school (in some form or another). The heat of the summer has mercifully tempered to give us beautiful September days. The peaches that were plentiful the last couple of months have been replaced by apples in the supermarket. Every year around this time, I take the opportunity to sit down and…

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Make the Last Quarter of 2019 Your Best Quarter

Before we get to today’s blog post, I have two pieces of exciting news to share. First, I am humbled and honored to have been recognized by the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce as a nominee for their new Small Business Awards. Celeste Giordano Coaching is a finalist for the Minority-Owned/ Women-Owned Award! I could not…

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