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Processing Pain: Why Your Mindset Makes All the Difference

As many of you know, I am a woman of faith. The principles of my faith guide me not only in my personal relationships, but in my professional life as well. I strive to be a person who lives and conducts my business with honesty, integrity, compassion and a desire to serve others.

Just like I frequently attend seminars, listen to audio programs and read books and articles to invest in my professional education, I regularly invest in my spiritual education to achieve the personal growth necessary to succeed as servant of God, wife, friend, entrepreneur, business mentor and community leader.

I was recently listening to a sermon by inspirational televangelist Joel Osteen. He talks about how when a pregnant woman’s water breaks it’s a sign that she will soon give birth. The woman knows that although the pain is real and the labor ahead will be challenging, it is part of the process that will result in the delivery of the ultimate blessing, a child.

It struck me that his powerful message seemed custom designed for the business entrepreneur.

Joel explains that when the water breaks in your life, so to speak, and you face an unexpected difficulty, it’s easy to get discouraged and think things will never get better. In the face of pain and disappointment, it can be hard to stay positive or “see the light at the end of the tunnel”. But that challenge is really a sign that something else is in store for you. It is part of the process that will lead you toward your destiny, if you let it.

Let’s explore this idea a little deeper.

When you undergo a hardship in business or any other area of your life, you have two choices: you can struggle, get stuck in the pain and give up or you can persevere and grow. Whether you hit a minor roadblock or a devastating setback, the two choices remain the same. We don’t have the power to determine what obstacles we will face or where or when we will face them. Even the most cautious, hardworking, responsible and savvy entrepreneurs face challenges. But we do have the power to shape our mindset and, in turn, how we respond to these challenges.

It’s all about your perspective.

In difficult times – and there will be difficult times, even for the best and brightest business owners – if you maintain the right attitude, you can develop greater strength, confidence and skills which will open doors and lead to new opportunities.

Yes, you might face rejection, but that rejection can facilitate the growth necessary to develop important new skills and ultimately thrive. Yes, you might lose an important customer, but that loss could lead you down a path to a larger, more profitable customer. Yes, an employee may quit, but that loss could result in your hiring a better qualified, more committed employee. If you work on your mindset, your trials and tribulations will become the very things that transition you to the next level in your business and all areas of your life.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s natural and understandable to be disappointed, to feel frustrated and to grieve losses. Just like childbirth comes with intense labor pains, obstacles aren’t easy. In fact, they can be incredibly tiring and painful. But do your best not to get stuck in the pain of the hardship. Don’t let the obstacles cripple or consume you; instead, allow yourself to grow through the challenges and be open to the opportunities that will comes next.

You have to push, persevere, and be willing to be uncomfortable. I can tell you that time and time again, doors that my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients never dreamed would open have opened when they embrace a mind shift and allow them to.

With 2018 already fast-approaching, it’s so important to stop, reflect on what you accomplished this past year and evaluate whether you’re on track to achieve your goals.

I encourage you to ask yourself:

  • Am I stuck in my pain?
  • Are my obstacles holding me back from a breakthrough?
  • Am I transforming challenges into growth opportunities?

I am passionate about empowering the entrepreneurs I work with to weather the inescapable storms and navigate the inevitable challenges they will face with greater peace of mind. I remind them that the pain and discomfort of their hardships and disappointments are temporary, and that with perseverance, focus, commitment and trust (in a higher power, in themselves, and in me), they will realize their goals.

As Joel so clearly concludes, you can’t choose when, where or how “the water will break”, but you do have the power to choose how you respond.

If you’d like a champion in your corner, supporting and guiding you through every stage of your journey, I want to hear from you.