Life is Too Short for Stress & Worry: Here’s How to Take on a New Attitude
Do you find yourself asking questions like…
Am I not working hard enough?
Why isn’t this changing faster for me?
What if this project I’m working on is not good enough?
Many of us go through life worried about our careers, trying to change our family members, and frustrated because the plans we see for ourselves aren’t coming to pass.
It’s this way with the big things and the small things. You lose a major client. You get stuck in traffic. You can’t fix a person you love who is sick. You sent the email with a typo.
Does it feel like your work is never done, and everyone expects more and more out of you?
If so, I have an invitation for you. I’d like to invite you to make a choice.
We can choose to not let these things upset us. We can choose to not live in worry and strife. We can choose to live in peace. We can choose rest over struggle.
Now this does not mean that you can stop working hard. I am not suggesting that you be passive, stop dreaming, or forget the goals that you’re working toward. I’m suggesting you work, believe, and live from a place of calm and peace.
You can work hard and live in peace at the same time.
It’s exhausting to be fighting and struggling all the time. When we allow the same worries about money, the same frustrations over technology, or the same anxieties about family members to upset us and bring us down over and over again, that mentality becomes our life. Living in a state of constant fight or flight can even lead to trouble sleeping, high blood pressure, and health issues.
On the other hand, living in peace takes the pressure off. I want you to imagine two children learning to ride a bicycle. One is anxious about falling, doesn’t think she can do it, and worried people might laugh at her. The other child is carefree and excited to try to ride without training wheels. Which child has the advantage as they try to learn a new skill?
Stress and frustration are distractions from your goals, not how you accomplish them.
You want your prospects to hire you? Worrying about it is not going to make it happen. You want your client to implement your suggestions? Fighting with them is not going to make it happen. You want your kids to eat more nutritious foods? Trying to control them is not going to make it happen.
Going back to the two children, at the end of the day, if they both can ride down the street, was all of that stress the first child had worth it? It’s easy to see how the child robs herself of the joy out of a childhood milestone. Yet when it’s our turn, we frequently make the same choice because we think our stress and anxiety is productive.
You can accomplish everything you’re doing now in your career and in your life without any of the struggle, worry, or stress. So the way I see it, you might as well go through your daily life with a positive attitude and with peace.
This does not mean that things will always go as you planned, or that other people will fall in line and do what you want them to do, but if you can be at peace, you’ll enjoy your career and your life more.
And little by little, you’ll be making progress toward your goals. You might not even notice it in the routines of everyday life, but one day down the line, years from now, you’ll look back and see that you were making progress.
This is why it’s necessary to have a specific action plan. When you quantify what you really want and how you can accomplish it, it takes the worry out of the process.
So next time you find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, and worried, I want you to write down what you really want. Then list step by step how you can accomplish it. What one item can you tackle today, right now?
By putting your worries into action, you take away their power and shift your focus onto achievement.
Life is too short for struggle and strife.
Instead, live in peace and make a plan for success. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I teach my clients how to create the change they’re seeking using a proven system for reaching sales, business growth, and personal development goals.
Are you ready to live in peace as you build your profitable Legacy Business? Contact me today.
I’m thrilled to share with you our latest edition of The Blueprint Magazine. This month’s theme is “Unlocking Your Full Potential!”
A few articles in this month’s issue dive further into this topic:
- “New Year’s Resolutions: Make Them Simple and Easy to Accomplish” by Becca Tebon on page 7
- “Why Small Businesses Outsource IT Support and Services” by Jason Rush on page 8
- “Why 4D Communication is the Better Way of Selling” by Brigitta Hoeferle on page 15″
- Small Simple Changes Make All the Difference” by Joan Williams on page 19″
- Moving from Comfort with Courage” by Pauline Duncan-Thrasher on page 20
Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.
To learn more about Celeste, click here.
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