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How to Stay Smart in 2020 and Beyond

Today I am featuring a guest post contributed by my colleague, Eric Z. Johnson. Eric is the founder and lead generation strategist at He trains solopreneurs and creatives how to consistently create sales calls, with ease and authenticity, so they can build a wildly profitable and impactful businesses. I appreciate his advice in this post and I know you will too. You can apply it to any project or concept in your business, large or small, but it is especially effective at this time of year as you plan for 2020. Be sure to read through to the end to get my thoughts on Eric’s compelling question. –Celeste

Implement this technique below.  Not only will you start this day/week/month/year smart, you’ll also stay smart by producing more effective results every single week.

This powerful technique works. I learned it from author Rory Vaden. You can immediately put this to use.   

We all ask, “Does this matter?”  as we go through our days and weeks. Something is important. We do it. It’s done. On to the next task.

That question and the answer is not good enough. It will not fulfill on what you want. It will not build dreams, bring you happiness or success, to the extent that is possible. (Ouch!).

Why? Because some of the things that matter only matter for the moment, or only for the day, or only for a small project. They have a short shelf life.

Begin asking THIS question: “How long is this going to matter?”

Will it only matter for today?

Or will it matter for a week, a month, longer?

Those answers will shift your approach and your results.

It invites you to move from “living in the weeds of short-term thinking” to true long-term thinking that is anchored in your vision.

The answers that come from this question empower you to operate from significance and ROI.

By delegating two actions recently, I created at least 8 new hours for myself each month. That’s 96 hours a year I now have that I did not have last week! Truth be told, I could have delegated those tasks months ago.

Delegating those tasks is going “matter” for a very LONG time.

I could have done my default. The thought goes like this, “Task X matters. I’ll do it now.” The “I’ll just do it now” thinking was a problem. It was costing me. It may be costing you too. It left me rolling around in the weeds. There’s lots of activity and energy in the weeds, but the vision is not moving forward. It’s the business version of a merry-go-round… I’m doing a lot, but I’m not getting anywhere new.

What actions can you take NOW that will cause you to THANK YOURSELF for in the future?

What actions can you take NOW that will matter for a LONG TIME?

If you want to leave the weeds behind…

If you want to operate from your VISION…

The answers to those questions are exactly how to make it happen.

Eric Z. Johnson

Thanks, Eric! Again, you can check out all of Eric’s blog posts and advice at

If you haven’t started planning for next year yet, this advice is a perfect call to action. You likely have a long to do list at the moment, but how long are those tasks going to matter?

When you compare them to taking time to look at your budget, ask critical questions about your goals in the coming 12 months, and strategize about how to achieve those goals, those to do list items don’t have staying power by comparison.

Whether it’s delegating as Eric suggests, or focusing more on sales calls, or devoting more time to your high-end clients, determine what will matter for the long term and prioritize those strategies over the urgent and easy.

Working with a trusted mentor or business strategist is the kind of action that matters for a long time, turning your company into a legacy business that lasts for generations. If you’re ready to start that journey in 2020, contact me today to create a plan that matters both today and many years into the future.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

Want to use this article? Please feel free to use this content as long as you keep it in its original format and include a link to the original post and Celeste Giordano’s brief bio.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work with each client to implement the strategies they’ve been missing that will enable them to break through barriers preventing them from the success they know they are capable of. Contact me today to find your future clients who just don’t know what they’re missing.