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How to Deal with Objections in Sales

ObjectionsObjections. If you’re in sales, you’ve no doubt heard them all. Some people hear objections and get frustrated. After hearing enough objections, others get discouraged. Can you relate?

You know you have a valuable product or service…so why do prospects seem to have such a difficult time saying “Yes, sign me up!”?

If you’re really offering a product or service of value, then objections are actually opportunities. Hear me out: When an objection is raised, you are essentially presented with an opportunity to provide missing information – or correct misinformation – that led your prospect to feel skeptical to begin with.

One of the biggest keys to overcoming objections is to LISTEN. What are your prospects’ concerns? How do their past experiences impact their beliefs about what you have to offer? When you can answer these questions, that means you’ve been listening to your prospect rather than aggressively trying to push your agenda. By engaging your prospect and addressing their objections respectfully, methodically and intelligently, your closing average will increase and you’ll achieve greater success.

Focus on providing your prospect with the information they need to make an intelligent and informed decision. It’s also important to build familiarity with your prospect as well as a relationship of trust and respect. Once that is established, you’re working from a different playing field. It’s easier to “sell” something to someone who trusts that you have their best interests at heart.

If you are struggling with this concept, or simply want to see how inviting objections is truly part of owning a Legacy Business, then I invite you to watch the webinar we did last week. It was a huge success and the response has been overwhelming. We’ve received so many emails from those who tuned in, related to the personal stories that Mike and I shared, and have been reflecting on the business strategies we outlined.

You can view the webinar by clicking here! Ā Towards the end of the webinar we talk about our upcoming 8-week Legacy Business Blueprint program. There are still a few spots left, so don’t miss the opportunity to empower yourself by joining a program that will lay the groundwork for a better, more profitable 2015.