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How to Revolutionize Your Legacy Business Blueprint in 2017

How to Revolutionize Your Legacy Business Blueprint in 2017Walk into any shopping mall or gift card shop and the season is immediately apparently. In just a week, we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving, and then we begin a countdown to Christmas, with New Years just around the corner.

Can you believe how quickly 2016 has flown by?

Some of you experienced triumphs and reached new milestones; others faced challenging obstacles and likely felt dissatisfied with your results. Whatever camp you fall into, in less than 2 months you’ll be ushering in a new year. And the New Year brings an opportunity to establish, meet and exceed new sales and business growth goals. Like all entrepreneurs, you want 2017 to be a year of growth and prosperity.

But how will you shake up the status quo to produce the RESULTS you deserve?

Knowledge is Power

Albert Einstein famously said that the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.

Unfortunately, according to this definition, countless business owners fit the bill! Week after week, year after year they hold the same beliefs, use the same strategies, and then bang their heads against the wall when they don’t achieve their desired results.

Without opening up your mind to new perspectives; learning new tools and strategies; and applying them to your business, you can’t expect to achieve outstanding results in 2017.

Even if some of your strategies proved effective last year, there is always room for growth and expansion, especially if you want to build a lucrative Legacy Business.

That’s why I’m excited to announce the full-day, action-oriented Revolutionize Your Legacy Business Blueprint Workshop on Thursday, December 8th at the 1818 Club in Duluth, GA. The event was designed to teach you the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to revolutionize your Legacy Business in 2017.

What Will I Learn?

Over the course of my 40+ year career in sales and business development, I have attended my fair share of workshops. Some have been extremely valuable learning experiences while others have lacked substance.

As an entrepreneur myself, I understand that time is money. You can’t afford to take a full day off to invest in professional development unless there will be an exponential return on your investment.

I don’t get involved in workshops that lack substance, and the REVO workshop is absolutely no exception.

Powerful Takeaways

In this intensive workshop, you will learn:

  • How to build a profitable business that serves your highest core value
  • The 3 C’s of a “Legacy Mindshift”
  • The ultimate system for generating more quality leads in the new economy
  • How to maximize your brand potential to achieve your best personal performance
  • Practical action steps for boosting productivity and time management
  • Business systems: How to prioritize, follow through and be accountable
  • How to align your mission and vision with your brand
  • The secret to improving your network marketing skills
  • How to move from selling to serving your clients

Who’s Hosting?

Celeste Giordano

As a master sales strategist, international business consultant, speaker, author and mentor, I seize every opportunity to share the proven strategies and tools that helped me build my own Legacy Business. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I arm my clients with the tools and knowledge they need to “Double Plus” their income this year. I find it incredibly inspiring to work with entrepreneurs with great visions who are committed to taking the action steps necessary to succeed. I am honored to count myself as one of the hosts of this event.

Dr. Natalie Forest

I will be co-hosting the event with my friend and colleague Dr. Natalie Forest. Natalie is an international executive consultant, best-selling author, keynote speaker and mentor. A leading expert in personal performance, she founded Success Revolutions and Revolutionize Your Potential, a series of educational trainings for individuals and corporations across the globe.

Breakout Sessions Led By Industry Experts

An event is only as good as its speakers. The day-long event will also feature engaging morning and afternoon Breakout Sessions led by leading experts in accounting, grant writing, team building, event planning and more!

In these sessions, you will discover:

  • What to do before the end of the year for tax advantages
  • Best business operating strategies
  • How to select the right business entity
  • Effective ways to make your accounting process more efficient
  • How to utilize effective training techniques
  • How to empower employees/team members through purposeful work and meaningful appreciation
  • The 7 Steps to becoming a 501c3 organization (a non-profit organization)
  • How to create sustainable income with social enterprise

Strategies for hosting a successful event

Networking Opportunities

No professional event is complete without an opportunity to network with your fellow attendees. Networking is an opportunity to share ideas, learn new skills and, of course, let others in the community know who you are and what you do. Some of my best referrals have come from fantastic individuals I met at educational and networking events.

Enjoy an hour of networking and idea-sharing with other driven professionals and keep the conversation going over lunch and between sessions. Remember – relationship building is a critical component of business success!

Whether you are starting a new venture or want to take your business to the next level, this jam-packed, full-day live workshop will position you for growth and success in 2017.

If you want to accelerate sales, build a Legacy Business and finally see your dreams materialize into reality, you need to take action. Take the first step and invest in your professional development.

For those who take quick, decisive action, we’re offering an exclusive rate of $127.

Don’t wait to secure your spot. This limited-time promotion ends November 27th.

Invest in yourself and your business TODAY – it will be one of the best decisions you make this year, and will pave a path for profitability and success in 2017.

Click here to reserve your spot today!

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

Want to use this article? Please feel free to use this content as long as you keep it in its original format and include a link to the original post and Celeste Giordano’s brief bio.