My Blog

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Prosper.

How NOT to Make the End of Year a Bust!

Leaf - reflectionFall has sped by as quickly as the leaves are turning. For me, the changing of the seasons is a natural built-in opportunity to step back from the day-to-day hustle and bustle, reflect and ask yourself, “Am I where I want to be?”

“Am I confident in my skill-sets?”

“Are my actions resulting in my desired outcomes?”

“Do I have healthy personal and professional relationships?”

Have you implemented any new changes this month? And more importantly, have you invested in your personal growth? With only a few months left until the new year, it’s easy to accept the status quo and put off setting and pursuing goals until January 2015. I’d venture to say that this is a unproductive and even dangerous mentality.

If you’ve reached a plateau in your sales numbers or are having difficulty closing prospecting calls, the time to explore why is now!

The next few months are filled with opportunity. With the holiday season around the corner, many people are in good spirits and – encouragingly – in the spending mood. Waiting until January to reflect on where you’re struggling, contemplate your short and long-term goals, and implement a plan of action to achieve them is nothing short of a missed opportunity.

By waiting until the new year to take action and address the issues holding you back from building a legacy, you ultimately get left behind. Your strongest competitors will have done their new year preparations well in advance. They’ll be charged and ready to hit the ground running. Will you?

Investing in your personal growth and prioritizing continued education are vital to guaranteeing that you’ll be at the head of the pack in the new year.

When you’re absorbed in running and building a business, it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees. With 36 years of sales and coaching experience, I excel at helping my clients take a step back, see the bigger picture and put a concrete sustainable plan into action that gets RESULTS.

I ultimately started Celeste Giordano CoachingĀ because I understand that amidst running a business, it’s difficult to identify problem-areas and actually implement strategies that will produce the results you want. Having me in your corner as a personal coach, business strategist and accountability partner will give you the strategies, accountability, attitude and support that you need to finish 2014 strong and roll into 2015 with momentum.

Contact meĀ today to learn how I can help you #1. make the best out of the remainder of 2014 and #2. turn 2015 into the most profitable and fulfilling year yet.