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Handling Rejection in Sales: 3 Tips You Can't Afford to Miss

NoIf you’re a salesperson, entrepreneur or business owner, there isn’t a point of asking IF you’ve experienced rejection in sales.

Rejection – hearing “NO” – is something we all experience. It’s a normal, natural and expected part of sales and doing business.

Hearing NO doesn’t make you a bad salesperson or lousy business owner, it makes you human.

So, when does skill come into play? A skillful salesperson or business owner works hard to develop the tools and strategies necessary to hear fewer “NOs”, respond more effectively to rejection, and maintain a positive, motivated attitude along the way.

Amongst leading business coaches and best-selling authors, how to handle buyer or prospect rejection is a major hot topic. This is an area that many successful clients at Celeste Giordano Coaching work hard to master. I work one-on-one with each client to help them master the art and science of handling rejection in an effective, productive manner to produce outstanding results over time.

Something I often tell my clients is that when a customer tells you NO, that actually means KNOW. Often, a “NO” means that your prospect needs to know more information so they can make an intelligent decision. The salesperson’s job is to understand when “NO” means “KNOW” and provide the appropriate information at the right time.
Here are a few tips that you can begin implementing in your own sales process when the client at the other end of the table or on the other line of the phone says “No, thanks!”:

  1. Stay motivated.

Hearing “NO” is a natural part of the sales process, but that doesn’t make it easy. When you hear a lot of “NOs”, it can start to wear away at your confidence. The first lesson here is to stay motivated. Getting discouraged is effectively throwing in the towel too early! A “NO” from a buyer or prospective client doesn’t always mean that you’ve lost the sale. Often, it merely means that the buyer wasn’t listening carefully, your timing was off, or that you haven’t hit their “hot button” yet.

By staying positive rather than becoming demotivated, you increase the likelihood that – with strategic, careful persistence – you will be able to close the sale in the future. Even if you don’t close that prospect, maintaining a positive attitude will make you a better, more persuasive salesperson when communicating with the next prospect on your list.

  1. Learn from Past Mistakes

Sometimes it’s plain and simple – a prospect isn’t interested, and never will be, in what you’re offering them. But a “NO” can also mean that you’ve made an error in the selling process. Perhaps you didn’t properly qualify the prospect, are speaking to the wrong prospect, aren’t listening attentively or even made the wrong presentation. Use every “NO” as a potential learning and growing experience. Take notes on what you think went wrong. If you work with a sales coach like myself, be sure to share those notes during your next session. Make a conscious effort not to make the same mistakes again. If you do trip up again with the same mistake, you’ve identified an area worthwhile discussing with an expert in overcoming sales rejections.

  1. Modify your approach.

The most successful salespeople begin their day with a positive outlook that each prospect ought to buy something. Their goal is to find the right match between their unique prospect and the most fitting product or service. When these salespeople hear a NO, they ask themselves what alternative angle they can use. While this isn’t ALWAYS the case, there is often an offering that will better suit your prospect. You have to learn to ask the right questions and actively listen to the prospect’s answers to guide you in the right direction. Sometimes it’s a good idea to arrange a recommendation from another one of your clients whom your prospect respects. A little strategy, research and networking can go a long way in improving your ability to manage rejection in sales.

So, there you have it. Keep these suggestions in mind and you’ll be one step closer to overcoming the hurdles of rejection that each and every one of us experience in sales and business.

Would you like to become a MASTER at overcoming rejection in sales and learn to “Double Plus” your income this year? Contact Celeste Giordano Coaching today. I’ve spent many, many years finessing how to masterfully handle rejection, and I’d be honored to help you implement these strategies in your business.