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Will you mark the end of 2015 with a Victory Celebration?

Celebration toastWe all have things in our lives that haven’t come to fruition yet. This is especially true for ambitious business entrepreneurs.

Maybe your dream of building a legacy business hasn’t been realized or a personal challenge you’ve been dealing with this year hasn’t turned around.

Sure, you’ve made some progress, but you haven’t reached that finish line yet.

New Year’s is a time when some people – having not yet reached that golden finish line – look back at the year with disappointment, frustration and regret. Being critical of yourself, feeling like you should be further along then you are, and focussing on what you’re doing wrong can be toxic. Rather than feeling motivated to make the changes necessary to achieve results, we get stuck in a negative mindset.

Too often, we make the mistake of waiting for the total victory to celebrate. We tell ourselves, as soon as I reach $100,000+ in annual revenues, or as soon as I’ve saved enough to take a dream vacation, or as soon as I’ve sold my program to 100 clients this year, I’ll be successful.

We don’t recognize the small successes that we’ve achieved along the way. Reaching major milestones is a journey. We do ourselves a great disservice when we don’t give ourselves credit for the small victories. This past year, did you attend networking events and put yourself out there? Did you secure your goal in new accounts? Did you work on establishing better work-life balance?

These little victories take us one step closer to that golden finish line. Even our failures – if we learn from them – can be stepping stones to the success we’re working hard to achieve in our businesses and personal lives.

By celebrating partial victories along the way, you can fuel yourself with the energy necessary to push forward and build the momentum necessary to overcome greater obstacles and reach great milestones.

On a separate but equally important note, celebrate the people in your life. Don’t wait until you’ve achieved your major goals to thank those in your life who support you. Whenever you celebrate a small victory, make a point of expressing gratitude to God, your spouse or partner, your children, your clients, your employees, your team – anyone who played a role in allowing you to reach that milestone. By articulating your appreciation, you’ll keep these relationships healthy and maintain the support necessary to push forward in growing your business.

Every New Year’s, Mike and I partake in what we call a “Victory Celebration”. We take stock of all the victories – large and small – that we accomplished in the past year. It gives us the strength and motivation to move forward with focus and the right mindset. Then we review the goals we’ve set for the coming year and the detailed plans we’ve laid out to help us achieve them.

The combination of celebrating past successes and partial victories and setting goals and implementing an action plan for the new year will yield incredible results in your personal and professional growth.

I challenge you to join Mike and I as we celebrate our victories this New Year’s. Pat yourself on the back for the hurdles you’ve overcome and the strides forward you have made in 2015. Then, take the steps necessary to make 2016 a successful, profitable and fulfilling new year.

Once you’ve toasted your loved ones and celebrated your 2015 successes, contact Celeste Giordano Coaching today to learn how to orchestrate a master plan and implement the proven strategies necessary to “Double Plus” your income in 2016.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed, prosperous, and profitable New Year in 2016!