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How Do You Put a Value on Freedom?

Veterans DayDo you find it ironic that the things we value most are sometimes the easiest to take for granted. We have so many personal freedoms and liberties that it’s hard to be conscious of their value on a day to day basis.

That’s why I value Veteran’s Day, a time of year when we as a nation take pause to reflect and appreciate the countless freedoms we hold dear. What’s more, we pay tribute to those that afforded us those freedoms.

Veteran’s Day here in the US and Remembrance Day in Canada don’t always get the attention they merit, but they always have in my home. My husband Mike served in the special operations unit of the Air Force for 17 years and I couldn’t be more grateful or proud of him. My father and many friends have also dedicated years of their lives to bravely serving our country.

For those in our community who don’t have family or friends who have served, it’s easy to let Veteran’s Day pass without much personal introspection. While they have a general appreciation for the sacrifices made by veterans for our freedom and independence, many don’t stop to contemplate the value of these gifts.

I always make it a point to make some quiet time on Veteran’s Day to ask myself: Do I take my freedom and independence for granted?

Fortunately, as business owners and entrepreneurs, we have the freedom to pursue our dreams. We’re privileged to have the freedom and opportunity to set lofty goals, work hard and build lasting legacies.

The brave men and women of the air force, army, navy and marines risk their lives for our freedom, and it’s paramount that we express gratitude to them and their families. But it’s equally critical that we take full advantage of our freedom to live, to dream and to EARN.

We should all wake up every morning motivated to conquer new opportunities. Veteran’s Day should serve as a reminder of the countless freedoms we have, including the freedom to work hard to achieve our dreams. When business is slow or you feel discouraged by obstacles standing in your way, remember that thanks to our veterans we have the freedom to make changes in our lives and business approaches that will yield the results want to achieve.

My decades of success in sales is thanks to the freedom I’ve had to pursue my goals. As a Master Sales Strategist and Business Mentor, I teach clients the tools and strategies that I’ve used on my own path to success with entrepreneurs and business owners who want to achieve meaningful results. Contact me today to make 2016 your most profitable year yet.

In the mean time, challenge yourself to take a few minutes to appreciate past, present and future veterans and their families, and send your prayers their way.