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How to Spend Your Time on Purpose in 2025

Spend your time on purpose.The Rolling Stones famously sang about time being on their side, but do you ever feel like time is your worst enemy? It can be one of the great frustrations in life, when time keeps on ticking despite our own desire for a pause.

Time is one of the most precious resources we have. Time is more valuable and more scarce than gold. More money can be made, but our time on this earth is finite.

Time is also a great equalizer. We all have the same number of hours in each day, regardless of our age, income, education, or location.

I am excited to talk with Angie Dodge, the fabulous CEO of Moxie Virtual Solutions, about strategic time management this Tuesday, February 11, at 5pm on my radio show. Please join us live or subscribe to my YouTube channel to listen at your convenience.

Let’s not waste the precious gift that is time. Today is a gift. You’ve been given this gift from God. How are you going to use this gift?

Spend Your Time On Purpose

Some people float through life, distracted by what’s on their phone, what’s in their inbox, and what’s popping up right in front of them. They let other people dictate how they spend their time.

Instead, spend your time on purpose. Don’t wait to see what happens or what comes your way. You decide. You stay focused. You pursue your passion. You make the most of this precious life.

This does not mean you don’t spend your time in service to other people. In fact, I encourage my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients to do exactly that. It means you do so with purpose and passion.

How? Take some time today – even if you just have a few minutes – to do some introspection.

Answer these 3 questions to wisely spend your time on purpose. 

Do I spend my time according to my values?

The question is not what is a priority for me? The question is why is it a priority for me?

If you want to spend your time wisely, it means making use of your time in a way that aligns with your core values and brings you closer to reaching your goals.

To feel a sense of fulfillment and achievement, you need to have clarity about what matters most to you and ensure that your actions support those goals and values.

For example, you may value your faith. But it’s easy to let a long to-do list get in the way of spending time on activities related to your faith and worship. I am grateful to my college basketball coach, Coach Kay James at Berry College, for inspiring my faith and making it a priority early on, which Mike and I continue to do to this day. By clarifying that faith is an important value, you can prioritize tasks that relate to it.

Do my small tasks add up to big value?

So many things can feel like they are out of our control. And it is true that certain realities, from the weather to the price of eggs, require a degree of acceptance.

But the truth is that we do have control over so much, especially the little things in life. Courtesies we show our neighbors, acts of kindness towards friends, the extra effort we put in for our clients, and the hugs we give to family members at home with us – these small things add up in a big way.

Small acts of kindness and goodwill not only can change someone else’s day, they add up to bringing value to our lives. Take a look at the small tasks you are able to do day in and day out and make sure they add up to the values you want to create more of in the world.

Does my attitude reflect how I want to spend my life?

Do you walk around feeling frustrated, annoyed, angry, or worried? It can be hard not to feel some amount of worry, but you have a choice in how you spend your life.

We think our stress and anxiety is productive. But stress and frustration are distractions from your goals – not how you accomplish them.

We can choose to not let little things upset us. We can choose to not live in worry and strife. We can choose to live in peace. We can choose rest over struggle. We can choose to work hard and at the same time, give our worries over to God.

We only have this one precious life. And we only get to enjoy the gift of today once. Live it to the fullest, right now.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work one-on-one with entrepreneurs and sales professionals to develop the daily habits that will generate the RESULTS they seek. If you are committed to using your time wisely in 2025, let’s work together to figure out a plan to build and secure your legacy business.


Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlus™” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with more than 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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