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That Badly Needed "Mid-Week" Business Boost

drainingMany entrepreneurs and business owners are fortunate to love what they do. They’re movers and shakers with big dreams they wake up and work hard every day to pursue.

But passionate, driven entrepreneurs still get drained, sapped of energy and have tough days. Us entrepreneurs are still human. And what more appropriate a time to address this very human reality than toward the end of the work week.

At the start of the week – often after a relaxing weekend – we’re revved up and ready to conquer our goals. We approach prospect calls and networking events with greater enthusiasm, energy and confidence.

By Thursday, however, our goals sometimes seem a little further out of reach. Maybe we feel a little run down from a few too many “NOs” or a perhaps the stresses of life drain the enthusiasm necessary to carry out our action plans (the ones we so carefully design to help us build a thriving legacy business!). Can you relate?

Whatever the case may be, unless you’re having a super-achieving week, Thursday is typically an opportune time for a pick me up (and sometimes for an attitude adjustment!)

I often draw on the wise words of author, preacher and renowned speaker Joel Osteen when I need my own “boost.” In his best-selling book, “Every Day A Friday,” he discusses seven principles that can help us lead a happier life. I find that all of his points impact one’s ability not only to live a happier life but also to run a more successful business or achieve more impressive sales outcomes.

Here are a few points to keep in mind this week:

Don’t endure, enjoy!

Too many people endure life rather than enjoy it. Have you ever felt like you’re just hanging on, willing yourself to make it to the end of an exhausting, less than fulfilling week? You’re not alone. However, enjoyment is sometimes a decision. Choose to appreciate the fact that you are free to pursue your goals and dreams. I encourage you to see each day as a gift and live your life to the fullest.

(To learn how to run your business to the fullest and develop the tools you need to more successfully seize every opportunity, contact Celeste Giordano today! I work with diverse clients who understand how fundamental attitude is to success.)

Keep Calm and Carry On

Have you ever felt like a conflict in your personal or professional life was holding you back from applying yourself and reaching your goal of building a legacy business?

Personal conflicts can be soul-draining; they can sap you of the energy you draw on to complete the day-to-day tasks that are the building blocks of your success. It’s important to learn strategies to “let go” when someone upsets you or treats you without the utmost respect. It’s also key to differentiate between what issues you need to address and resolve, and which ones you would be better off simply letting go of.

Did a prospect grumpily and abruptly dismiss you off the phone? Has someone made you feel inadequate or less than perfectly competent this week? In business and in life, we all deal with people who are rude, grumpy and difficult to get along with. It’s often extremely freeing to simply let go of that negativity and be grateful for the many positive things and people in your life.

Give Back, Get Back

We’ve all heard the cliché “You get what you give.” If you find yourself having a particularly negative, draining or disappointing week, schedule some time for “giving back.” This can be as substantial as volunteering to help those less fortunate than you for a few hours on a Sunday or as simple as calling a relative or friend who may be lonely or going through a difficult time.

It’s amazing how empowering it can be to share some kindness. When you focus on yourself – specifically, on your problems – you can wind up being pulled down. On the end hand, allocating some time to focus on others can be extremely liberating and help boost your feelings of positivity.

So there you have it. Challenge yourself to tackle just one of these pointers and you’ll likely find there’s a little more pep in your step next “mid-week.” If you’re really ready to kick your negative thinking habits and learn the tools necessary to “Double Plus” your income this year, contact Celeste Giordano today.

Every Thursday morning, I do a weekly accountability call with my clients. The purpose? We review how everyone’s week unfolded, reflect and regroup. We adjust our attitudes and mindsets, and revise our weekly goals to ensure that we have a positive, strong outcome that week (rather than another “one of those weeks”).

I’d be happy to share with you (as I do many of the business owners, entrepreneurs and salespeople I coach and train) the tools I use to maintain a positive, productive outlook as I grow my own business.

Wishing you a positive end to your week!