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One Month Left in 2020: Don’t Throw in the Towel Now!

Are you having a difficult time closing prospecting calls? Have your sales dropped off? Are you putting in the hours but not yielding your desired results?

With just one month left until we ring in the new year, it’s easy to accept the status quo as it is and put off setting and pursuing goals until January. This time of the year is always busy with professional and personal obligations, commitments, and celebrations of the season.

While it’s easy to think, “Surely, I’ll make time for this after the holidays,” it’s even easier to get busy once the New Year rolls around and your plans for goal-setting fly out the window.

The last thing you want is to find yourself in the same situation next year, with continued difficulty generating strong leads, closing sales, or expanding your market.

The time to reflect and take action is NOW!

If you want to overcome the obstacles holding you back from accelerating growth in your business, I challenge you to reflect on those obstacles well before the ball drops this New Year’s Eve. Right now, with time still left in the year, is the moment to create a plan, set measurable short and long-term goals, and identify an accountability partner who can hold you to task.

After all, your strongest competitors will have done their preparations for the New Year well in advance. They’ll be armed with clear action plans and ready to hit the ground running. Will you?

By waiting until January to address any issues, strategies, or mindsets that could be holding you back from building a legacy business, you run the risk of being left behind.

Here’s an action plan to quit procrastinating, buckle down, examine the reasons why you’re struggling to reach benchmarks in your business, and decide how you want to adjust your goals.


As entrepreneurs with many responsibilities and mounting to-do lists, we often don’t take the time to evaluate where our businesses are heading, and how that compares to where we want them to be.

If investing in professional growth and development seems to take a back seat to managing – or juggling – your abundant day-to-day responsibilities, keep in mind that this is an unproductive and sometimes even destructive mentality.

When was the last time you asked yourself:

  • “Am I where I want to be professionally?”
  • “Are my actions getting me the results I desire?”
  • “Do I have meaningful relationships and healthy work-life balance?”

Set Measurable Goals

Whether you want to reach a sales quota or improve your marketing efforts, you can’t reach goals without setting them. Now is a good time to review past or current goals if you have them, dig deep, and make the adjustments necessary to achieve them.

Goals should be “SMART”:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

I teach my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients that if you want to build a prosperous Legacy Business, you have to start with setting SMART goals.

Not sure where to start? The truth is that there is no one “right” type of goal to set. Just like your business is unique, you are unique, and what you want for yourself and your business is unique.

Start by asking yourself: What do I not have in my business today that I want to have in 2021?

Find an Accountability Partner

With 40 years of sales and coaching experience, I’m passionate about helping my clients take a much needed step back, gain some perspective into the bigger picture, and develop tangible action plans that will produce RESULTS.

If you want to improve your lead generation strategy, strengthen your closing rates, or learn the other proven strategies necessary to boost your sales in 2021, you’ll gain momentum with me in your corner as your expert business coach, strategist, and accountability partner.

Together, we can take stock of where you did – and didn’t – succeed this year and develop a plan of action that will set you apart from your competitors in the year to come.

Find out how to finish 2020 strong and “Double Plus” your income in 2021. Take a moment to contact me today.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work with each client to implement the strategies they’ve been missing that will enable them to break through barriers preventing them from the success they know they are capable of. Contact me today to find your future clients who just don’t know what they’re missing.