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Why Self-Doubt May Be All That’s Keeping You From Prosperity

Last week, I described the stress that many entrepreneurs face at this time of the year.

If you have fallen short of reaching your 2018 goals, you might be feeling the squeeze of paying for gifts and gatherings at this special time of year, you may have less time to devote to enjoying the holidays with your friends and family, or you may feel panic at the thought of all the work you have in front of you in 2019 to make up for your shortfall.

So today, I want to dive further into this topic and give you the steps to avoid the same stressors in the new year. The last thing either of us want is for you to feel the same squeeze at the end of 2019 that you feel now.

If you’re like many entrepreneurs, part of the reason you went into business for yourself was so that you could achieve prosperity on your own terms. Perhaps you were driven by the idea of exceeding the income from working for someone else and the freedom to do so on your schedule or your way.

What strikes me when it comes to prosperity is the relationship between our attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs and the financial prosperity we achieve. They are directly related.

While it’s important to learn practical sales, growth, and marketing strategies, without the right mindset, you’re not set up to achieve financial success.

Let’s say you hit a roadblock or don’t make a sale and your confidence takes a hit. This can adversely impact your performance, creating a domino effect of poorer lead generation and sales.

The ticket to prosperity is self-confidence, self-worth, and a healthy, positive mindset.

Let me ask you a question: Do you think you deserve prosperity?

The answer to this question matters more than you may think. Your ability to achieve the financial success you desire for 2019 is largely dependent on your mindset. If you don’t wholeheartedly believe that you have what it takes to build a thriving Legacy Business, then you probably won’t. Your lack of self-confidence and self-esteem may be holding you back.

To achieve prosperity in your personal and professional life, you need to believe you’re worthy of it. That means knowing that you deserve respect, kindness, success, and prosperity in your life. Your self-worth is your judgement of how you value who you are and what you have to offer.

We live in a society where many people feel unworthy. They have been knocked down and hurt so many times that they stop believing they are good enough to achieve their goals.

You may be aware of your poor self-esteem, but many of you are not. These negative feelings are rooted deeply within us and can manifest themselves in different ways. Some people who lack self-esteem have a critical, pessimistic inner voice, while others accept mediocrity because they fear failure.

“Leadership is a mindset that shifts from being a victim to creating results. Any one of us can demonstrate leadership in our work and within our lives.” Robin S. Sharma

Developing A Prosperity Mindset

Now that we understand the power of your thoughts and beliefs in determining your success, let’s explore 6 strategies that you can start implementing today to develop a prosperity mindset:

  1. Listen to your inner voice. The first step to battle low-self esteem is developing greater self-awareness. Take a few quiet minutes every day to stop what you’re doing and tune into your inner voice. Be aware of any critical thoughts that are present but don’t allow them to take hold. Instead, counter those thoughts with positive affirmations (i.e., “I can do this,” “I deserve success,” etc.). This will help develop a more nurturing, encouraging voice.
  2. Know that perfection is not the goal. Understand that making mistakes is a normal, healthy part of the process, both in business and in life. How we view our mistakes is critical. Start recognizing that mistakes are opportunities for personal and professional growth. Instead of beating yourself up when you make a mistake, reflect on what you can do differently next time to produce a better outcome.
  3. Measure success against your own yardstick. So many people make the mistake of evaluating themselves against others. This is unproductive. The best way to build self-esteem is to compare who you are today with who you were yesterday, last month, or last year. What matters is your progress. As you move into 2019, reflect on your triumphs in the past year. You have room for growth – we all do – but recognize the positive things you have accomplished and let that propel you forward.
  4. Be patient with yourself. The next time you face an obstacle or feel frustrated that you haven’t reached a milestone, change the narrative. Instead of telling yourself that you’ll never get there, start telling yourself you’ll get there, you’re just not there yet. For example, “I haven’t hit that target yet” or “I haven’t delivered a presentation at a workshop yet.” By adding the word “yet” to your vocabulary, you create room to envision yourself reaching your goals and can focus on taking the actions necessary to make them a reality.
  5. Get in the driver’s seat. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you are in the passenger’s seat in your life. It’s up to you to choose which beliefs you allow into your life and which you reject. Don’t give power to negative beliefs about yourself that will hold you back. Rather, nurture beliefs that empower you to become the person you want to become and achieve the things you want to achieve.
  6. Use this Gatekeeper Exercise. The next time you tell yourself “I’m not [articulate/confident/attractive] enough,” take it as an invitation to pause, take a deep breath, and decide whether to accept, reject, or reflect upon it. With practice, you may be surprised how many beliefs and judgments come your way that you no longer automatically accept as your own…and how the simple act of gatekeeping helps to protect and build your sense of value and self-worth.

With the right mindset, you open new doors and create opportunities for success. I teach my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients how to develop a prosperous mindset in addition to teaching practical, proven sales and business development strategies. This combination is crucial if you want to create a prosperous Legacy Business and realize your potential.

Don’t let another year go by with self-doubt. As the New Year approaches, it’s time to realize that you’re worth it. You deserve to succeed in 2019. And more importantly, you CAN succeed.

I believe you have it in you to prosper and thrive. Do you?

Contact me to ignite the belief in yourself necessary to make 2019 the year you finally Double Plus your income.

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This 13-week planner — sprinkled with fun, quirky, positive, and inspiring quotes and images — is designed to guide you in expressing your own creativity while making to-do lists, tracking habits, scheduling your day, keeping your diary, and setting goals.

The best part is we’ve created an accountability partner that you can take anywhere. Step away from your digital devices, flip through the pages of this book, and make it your own.

Maybe you don’t consider yourself artistic, but Color My Day will spark your creativity. Each page is a basic template for you to personalize by adding your tasks, ideas, and plans in your own designs and favorite colors to inspire every area of your life.

Learn More Here!

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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