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Learn. Grow. Achieve. Prosper.

Business Lessons Learned from Successful Mothers

In many ways, mothers are the CEO of the family unit.

They have a vision of what they want their family and home to look and feel like, and they work tirelessly to realize that vision.

Mothers are brave visionaries and awe-inspiringly hard workers. They give their love generously; share wisdom gleaned from life experience; and teach their children the tools they need to grow.

Mothers aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and do the less than glamorous tasks involved in childrearing and home-keeping. They wear a multitude of hats: caregiver, breadwinner, nurse, therapist, chef, confidante, friend, disciplinarian, chauffer – the list goes on and on.

In honor of Mother’s Day, here are some lessons we can learn from mothers that can help us LEARN, GROW, ACHIEVE and PROSPER in business.

Mothers Delegate.

Mothers that don’t learn the importance of delegating early on will inevitably burn out. Newsflash: there are only so many hours in a day! Mothers, especially working mothers but stay at home mothers as well, can’t do it all…nor should they have to!

The happiest, most fulfilled mothers learn to delegate the tasks they can’t or don’t wish to do, whether that means sending out to the drycleaners, bringing in cleaning, hiring math tutors, assigning chores to your children or having their spouse do the weekly grocery runs.

When finances don’t permit some of these luxuries, smart mothers get creative. They trade-off babysitting for the neighbors kids every other Saturday night so they can drop their kids off on the alternate weeks and enjoy a date night. When mothers delegate, they are able to be more present and focused when they tackle the important tasks still on their plate.

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I encourage the business owners I work with to explore finding ways to delegate in their own businesses. If you excel at marketing but struggle with balancing the books, delegate to an accountant. Are you a fantastic coach but a mediocre writer? Hire a copywriter to take over your monthly newsletter. When you spend the bulk of your time doing what you do best, and delegate the rest, your business will thrive and you’ll achieve greater work life balance.

Mothers Teach Their Kids to Fish.

We’ve all heard the proverb, “Give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Mothers understand the value of teaching their children the skills they need so they can thrive and ultimately achieve independence. Rather than doing their kids homework, the best parents help them develop an appetite for learning, critical thinking skills and self-confidence. They encourage their children to try, fail, and try again. This is how we all learn.

As business owners, it’s critical to learn how to build a successful team. In order to have confidence in your team, you have to hire team players who know how to fish or are eager to learn. Teach your team the skills and provide them with the tools and resources that they need in order to fulfill their responsibilities and meet your expectations. Create a culture where questions are welcomed, growth is fostered, reasonable mistakes are forgiven and gratitude is abundant. Ensure that your team gets the support they need to thrive independently, and you’ll begin to see incredible results.

Thanks, Mom.

I want to take this opportunity to express my eternal gratitude to my own mother, Emily Link. She was the epitome of a Mompreneur growing up. Not only was she hardworking and driven; she was also a great personal role model for my brother, sister, and me.

Our mother taught us that with a strong work ethic and belief in ourselves, we could achieve whatever we set our minds to. Following in her footsteps, my siblings and I have all owned our respective businesses for well over 30 years.

I’d like to express gratitude to my mother for teaching us the morals, values, integrity, and character that shaped us into who we are today. She taught us that you can’t achieve success without hard work and a commitment to treating people with love and respect. These principles continue to be the shining lights that guide me.

2 Moms and More

So many of the women I am privileged to meet in my business speak about the impact that many women have made in their lives, from sisters and aunts to step-mothers and grandmothers.

Mother’s Day is also a day to honor those women in your life who provide you with friendship, support and guidance.

Since I lost my father in October, I have made a point of driving to South Carolina each month to take my step-mother Christa Powell out for lunch or dinner and spend time with her. In the 35+ years that she was married to my father, she has been not only a step-mother but a friend to me. She was dedicated to my dad, but she also loved us children. I feel grateful that she enriched my father’s life with happiness for over 35 years.

If you have been blessed to be loved by two moms or any other important woman in your life, Mother’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to honor those relationships as well.

Pay It Forward.

If you are still blessed to have your mother in your life, make it a priority to express your gratitude for all she has taught you. Reflect on what lessons you have learned from your mother that you can apply to take your business to the next level.

If you want to build a Legacy Business and “Double Plus” your income THIS year, contact me today at Celeste Giordano Coaching. In addition to sharing proven strategies for sales growth and business development, I’d be honored to share some of the lessons I was privileged to learn from my mother.

Wishing you and yours a Happy Mother’s Day.

Up Next: You’re Invited

Metro ATL and Beyond 2017 May 12-13, 2017

Join us for a Celebration of Networking and Results with Speakers (including me), Panels, Friday Night Meet and Greet Reception with Appetizers and a Full Day Saturday Program (plenty of surprises in store as well!)

Register today!


We invite our local community to visit us on May 25th, 2017 from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m. at the 1818 Club for the WGC Atlanta Chapter meeting. Pre-registration for the event is $25.00. Click here to pre-register. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact

We are also opening up several other chapters across the United States. I am honored to help launch the Toronto, Ontario Chapter in the summer, 2017. To become a presenting sponsor or sponsor at this premier Toronto event, contact Celeste Giordano here. For additional information about WGC, please visit our website!


Money Mastermind May 31, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the 1818 Club
For more information, click here.


Legacy Blueprint Business Workshop on June 16th 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the 1818 Club. Join us as three business masters, Sara Poe, Nicole Henderson and I, teach the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “Double Plus” your income and become an effective, inspirational leader in your field THIS year. Whether you’re starting a new venture or want to take your business to the next level, learn to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real, lasting success using a proven step-by-step system.

Fee: $30 (Continental breakfast provided)

To Register:

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

Want to use this article? Please feel free to use this content as long as you keep it in its original format and include a link to the original post and Celeste Giordano’s brief bio.


  1. Emily Link on May 11, 2017 at 1:27 pm

    Thank you Celeste for honoring me with such kind words. I am so proud of you!
    I love you,