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The Secret to Conquering Holiday S-T-R-E-S-S

The Secret to Conquering Holiday S-T-R-E-S-SPeppermint and gingerbread lattes, strings of glowing Christmas lights, and crazy lineups at department stores. Yes, the holidays are fast approaching, and they evoke feelings and memories of love, joy and family.

But they can also stir up an unwelcome feeling that is anything but merry: S-T-R-E-S-S.

Unfortunately, many business owners and entrepreneurs know this feeling well. When the holiday season rolls around, they wish they could do more for and give more to their loved ones.

Can you relate?

If 2016 hasn’t been as prosperous as you hoped, the holidays can be especially tough. You may find yourself wishing you could host a lavish get-together or splurge on special gifts without regard for the cost. You worked hard this year, and wish you had more to show for your efforts.

Or perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the pull between work and “life” responsibilities. In the last month of the final quarter of the year, there is often an abundance of work-related tasks that need to be wrapped up. It can be daunting and even demoralizing, especially when you want to spend quality time with your loved ones. After all, that’s why you worked so hard all year!

Last but not least, you might feel a heavy sense of dread that the year is coming to a close and you have little to show for it. You might feel like you need to scramble to close new accounts. But without a solid plan, a lack of results might leave you feeling even more discouraged, exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. You want to turn the tables next year, but aren’t quite sure how.

I want to offer you some encouragement. Don’t despair. Regardless of your performance in 2016, the year doesn’t have to be a bust. You can still finish the month with an uplifted heart and your head held high, a clear strategy for how to produce results in 2017, and the ability to enjoy quality time with your friends and family.

The secret is making sure you approach December with the right attitude and a clear action plan. Here are a few practical steps you can take to finish December on the right foot and set yourself up to make 2017 the most profitable year on record:

#1. Celebrate Your Wins. One of the reasons entrepreneurs feel deflated and down in December is because they focus on their goals for the year that they didn’t conquer. While it’s natural to feel disappointed when you don’t reach a milestone, the reality is that you probably achieved more than you think.

Sit down for a few minutes to reflect on the past year and take note of your successes, small or large. Did you push yourself to try something new? That’s a success. Did you relinquish control and delegate a task to a new team member? That’s a success. Did you build a relationship with a new client? That’s a success. You owe it to yourself to celebrate these wins. Let them empower you to set new goals for 2017, laying a foundation for a strategy that allows you to thrive in 2017.

#2. Know Your Values. The end of the year is a fitting time to reflect on what really matters. For many entrepreneurs, answers like “family”, “my spouse” and “my spiritual beliefs” top the list. Although they are passionate about their work, they strive to build a Legacy Business so they can create a life that allows them to spend time with their loved ones.

Ask yourself: Am I leading my life in accordance with my values? Setting professional goals for 2017 is crucial, but it’s equally if not more important to make sure you are creating a balanced life that enables you to enjoy your friends and family. Work hard to close new business this month and plan for success in 2017, but when the holidays arrive, clock out. Take off your work hat, tuck your buzzing phone away in a drawer and give your family your time, your full attention, and your love.The Secret to Conquering Holiday S-T-R-E-S-S

#3. Clear Your Plate. You need a clear, focused mind to begin 2017 with the right momentum. But you won’t have a clear head if you don’t complete the projects from 2016 that you’ve repeatedly pushed off. By tackling these projects, you eliminate distractions that will hold you back in the new year, when you should be looking forward. Take out a calendar and map out what specific action steps you need to complete in the next few weeks so you can enjoy a fresh start in January.

It’s also important to reflect on what has held you back from being productive this year. Have you been juggling too many tasks on your own? Hire a team member. Have you been working in your noisy dining room? Create a quiet, orderly, well-lit work space with a door you can close so you can focus. Is there someone in your life draining you of the energy necessary to do your best work? Create healthy boundaries or, if necessary, distance yourself from that relationship.

To produce RESULTS in 2017, you must be prepared to make changes.

As a Master Sales and Business Strategist at Celeste Giordano Coaching, many entrepreneurs have come to me at the end of the year with stress written all over their faces. The greatest blessing has been watching them learn the tools, get the support and accountability, and develop the Legacy Business Blueprint necessary to achieve outstanding results.

With a clear action plan and the tools you need to execute it, you can Double Plus your income in 2017, and finish off December with peace of mind and a joyful heart.

Up Next: You’re Invited

We invite our local community to visit us on January 18th, 2017 from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the 1818 Club for the WGC Atlanta Chapter meeting. Pre-registration for the event is $25.00. Click here to pre-register. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact

We are also opening up several other chapters across the United States. I am honored to help launch the Toronto, Ontario Chapter in March, 2017. To become a presenting sponsor or sponsor at this premier Toronto event, contact Celeste Giordano here. For additional information about WGC, please visit our website!

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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