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Learn. Grow. Achieve. Prosper.

7 Relationship-Building Strategies that Will Accelerate Your Business

7 Relationship-Building Strategies that Will Accelerate Your BusinessPeople often ask me what my number one strategy is for developing new business. I could spend hours sharing the importance of crafting a killer marketing strategy, mastering proven sales techniques and attending the right networking events. These are all critical components of business development.

In the coming months, I’ll share some of the strategies I’ve used to generate quality leads and close new clients and customers in my own businesses. But the success of any business really boils down to an entrepreneur’s ability to do one thing: build quality relationships.

Plain and simple: Businesses are built on relationships.

Last week, I talked about the immeasurable value of building relationships as a business entrepreneur. The relationships we build with peers and professionals, prospective customers and clients, service providers and suppliers, accountability partners and business consultants, employees and investors (the list goes on!) have untold power and potential.

To recap, we covered a few of the core foundations of relationship-building:

  • Be likeable. When people like you, they gravitate toward you and become receptive to hearing what you have to say.
  • Have integrity. People build lasting relationships with people that they trust will do the right thing, honor their word, own their mistakes and deliver on their promises.  
  • Demonstrate empathy. Successful business entrepreneurs relate to and care about the people they meet and interact with in their business, from clients to employees.
  • Be a giver. Rather than focusing on how you’ll benefit from a relationship, search for ways to support other people in reaching their goals.

Now I’d like to shift gears from theory to practice and zero in on some of the real-world action steps you can take to build new relationships and improve the quality of existing relationships.

#1. Authenticity is a Must! Authenticity – being who you are and accepting others as they are – is the foundation of a positive, healthy relationship. Some entrepreneurs put on a false persona to attract new business, but this is a recipe for disaster. It’s only a matter of time before people see your true colors, anyway! Start relationships with authenticity from the get-go. Show people what to expect from you by acting with integrity, communicating openly and sharing your values, goals and intention. The right people will be attracted to the real you.

#2. Identify Mutual Values and Goals. Do business with people with whom you share goals and values and your relationships will quickly grow and prosper. When you connect with people who share your core beliefs, you will both feel more at ease. That’s not to say that you should shun relationships with anyone who is different from you or holds different point of views! But when it comes to core values (trust, honesty, integrity, etc.), the more you have in common the more natural, comfortable and powerful your connection will be.

#3. Build mutual respect. Effective business leaders behave respectfully in all their interactions. Respect should be shown to everyone irrespective of their title, status or accomplishments. When you show respect to all – from your employees and service providers to your customers and competitors – people will respect you. Building mutual respect takes time, but once you prove yourself to be a person of integrity, word will spread and your business will soar.

#4. Serve others. Short-sighted business entrepreneurs sometimes make the mistake of valuing a relationship based on what they can get out of it. Rather than focusing on how a relationship will benefit you, find ways to support that person so they can reach their own goals. Share useful information and valuable expertise via workshops, blogs or e-books. You can also make connections, introductions and referrals. By serving others, you build trust and send a clear message that you are a person of quality worth building a relationship with!

#5. Get personal! If you want to build a strong relationship, do everything in your power to meet in person. This is true for complimentary sales presentations, brainstorming meetings and just about every other important business interaction. Sure, emailing and phone calls are quick, convenient and have their time and place. But when you meet for coffee, you can read body language, make eye contact, shake hands, offer a smile, share laughter and exude warmth. This is obviously true when you have to discuss serious, important matters, but it’s just as relevant for “light”, social conversations. Meeting in person helps accelerate the establishment of real connections. When you need to communicate with individuals who live far away and meeting in person is impossible or impractical, create a more interactive “face to face” experience by using Skype or Zoom.

#6. Have Realistic Expectations. Don’t hold others up to an impossible standard or you’ll always be disappointed. Remember, no one is perfect. Each and every one of us is flawed and makes mistakes. While I encourage my clients at Celeste Giordano Coaching to only associate and do business with people with integrity, it’s still vital that you accept people as they are rather than holding onto preconceived notions of who they should be. When you let go of expectations and offer acceptance, you create a space where open communication and growth can take place.

#7. Invest Time into your Relationships. Relationships aren’t self-sustaining; they need to be consistently nurtured and cared for in order to grow and reach their potential. Block out time in your schedule every day to execute tasks that will strengthen your relationships. Make personal calls to check in with those who are ill, bereaved or going through a difficult time. Offer heartfelt congratulations to those celebrating birthdays, births, anniversaries or professional milestones. Introduce friends, colleagues and clients who would benefit from meeting one another. Identify concrete tasks you can complete daily to nurture your relationships. The possibilities are endless!

Are You Building Prosperous Relationships?

7 Relationship-Building Strategies that Will Accelerate Your BusinessBuilding positive, strong and lasting relationships can involve reflecting on your character and whether your actions align with your values. But forming and nurturing relationships also requires consistent, dedicated effort! Like all the best things in life, maintaining good relationships takes work. The more you invest into your relationships – both personal and professional – the more they will thrive!

Contact me today at to learn what steps you can take TODAY to build relationships that will empower you to build a prosperous and fulfilling Legacy Business.

I am excited to announce the release of my first issue of The Blueprint: For Building a Legacy Business.

Sales is near and dear to my heart. Many small business owners hate selling but over and over again I’ve proven that anyone can learn to sell if they just have the right tools.

I love to lead my clients to success and as a business strategist my desire for this magazine is to help you in all aspects of your business. Several of my high-level clients, from various backgrounds, have contributed articles with tips, ideas, and insights for overcoming the struggles and challenges small business owners face.

The tagline of my business is Learn • Grow • Achieve • Prosper which are the steps to take to become successful. It is my desire as a connector and international business consultant that anyone who is struggling in business finds the help they need.

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Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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