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The Secret to Making a Powerful First Impression

The Secret to Making a Powerful First ImpressionHave you ever been set up on a blind date? You wait at the designated meeting spot with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. Suddenly, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You glance upward and your date says hello.

In just seconds, you already know if you want to make a bee-line out of there or stick around with an open mind and heart.


Sure, you could chuck it up to physical attraction or lack thereof.

But we make the same quick judgment calls when meeting new people in a variety of settings, from interviews to volunteer opportunities, networking events to sales presentations.

Like it or not, first impressions count.

Within moments – just three seconds to be exact – of meeting you, people decide all sorts of things about you. They make judgments about your warmth, intelligence, trustworthiness, competence, character, confidence and status. They decide whether they like you, want to get to know you and are open to doing business with you.

This knowledge should make you wonder: What impression am I creating?

As a master business consultant and strategist at Celeste Giordano Coaching, I speak to business owners, sales teams and entrepreneurs about the importance of relationship building and expanding your network. Broadening your social network allows you to generate leads, develop referral partners, and build mutually advantageous partnerships. But in order to take the first step in building a valuable relationship, you need to make a good first impression. Failing to do so can kill an opportunity before it has a chance to take flight.

How to Make Strong First Impression

People’s first impression of you is based largely on your image. Therefore, managing your image is one of the best ways to ensure you make a positive first impression.

The Imagine Consulting Business Institute calls image management the “ongoing, pro-active process of evaluating and controlling the impact of your appearance on you, on others, and the achievement of your goals.”

As an entrepreneur, managing your image allows you to influence what others perceive when they see you; arouse confidence in your abilities; exude friendliness, approachability and likeability; project trustworthiness; enhance your perceived status and so much more. Your clothing, body language, communication style

Does your image leave an impression that you are a trustworthy, approachable, competent professional? If the answer isn’t a resounding “yes”, consider putting these tips into practice:

Dress Sharp.

One of the first things people will notice about you when they first meet you is your attire. Before you enter an event or sales presentation, ask yourself: do my clothes project an appropriate image? If you’re an interior designer attending a networking event, wear clothing that reflects your personal aesthetic and demonstrates your creative flair. If you run an accounting firm and you’re meeting a prospective client, make sure to wear formal business attire.

Every industry has a variation of what attire is appropriate for functions, networking events and sales presentations, but one rule stands across the board: dress to impress. When you dress sharp, it exudes confidence and confidence helps close sales. You don’t need to break the bank to look polished. Invest in a few staple pieces and make sure your clothes are freshly laundered and ironed. Most importantly, make sure they fit you well. A little tailoring can go a long way to freshen up your wardrobe.

If you struggle to put together outfits, consider getting a consultation from a professional stylist or shopper. They’ll help you give your wardrobe a boost as well as ensure your “look” is attention grabbing for the right reasons. If you can’t invest in a stylist right now, ask a friend with a strong fashion sense to accompany you on a shopping trip or help you purge your closet to avoid fashion faux pas.

In addition to wearing the right attire, it’s important to scrutinize your personal grooming. Does your hair, make-up, and level of cleanliness send a message that you are a confident, successful business owner? Ladies, an updated hairstyle and a touch of make-up can transform your look. For men, a fresh shave or neatly trimmed beard can make all the difference. Don’t use overpowering perfumes or colognes and be sure to keep your nails clean and trimmed. These things may seem insignificant, but when you have three seconds to make an impression, it’s all in the details.

Evaluate Your Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication.

We communicate a lot about ourselves both verbally and non-verbally. It’s important to reflect on what message your body language and vocal communication sends to new people and prospects you meet.

The Secret to Making a Powerful First Impression*Handshake. When you meet someone new, a handshake is one of the first forms of non-verbal communication you share. A firm handshake demonstrates confidence and self-assuredness. A weak “limp noodle” handshake sends the opposite message. But don’t shake too firmly; an uncomfortable finger-crushing handshake sends a message of over-assertiveness that leaves people wondering what you’re trying to overcompensate for. Don’t let your hand-shake linger too long because that can send a message of desperation. Don’t let go too quickly either! An abrupt handshake conveys that you don’t care or have time for the person. Accompany your handshake with a warm smile and good eye contact, and let go after two or three seconds to make the best first impression.

*Volume and pace of speech. The way you introduce yourself and the first few moments of verbal communication shed light on who you are and set the stage for what it will be like to communicate with you in the future. It’s critical to speak clearly and professionally when first meeting someone. Communicate at an appropriate pace and sound level so others can understand you easily. Speaking too quickly or quietly will leave others guessing what you’ve said while speaking too slowly or loudly can leave your audience irritated and disinterested in your message. Take care to ensure the person you’re speaking with can understand you clearly and focus on the content of your message. In order to gain perspective into how others perceive your verbal communication style, ask a friend to role-play and look for ways you can modify your speech for a stronger first impression.

What does your current image say about YOU?

Prolific Irish writer, playwright and poet Oscar Wilde says: “My first impressions of people are invariably right.” Take a moment to consider if you are making the best possible first impressions.

In 2014, I consulted with Dominique Vaughan-Russell, expert image consultant and Founder of Vaughan Russell International, about changes I could make to enhance my professional image. The investment was well worth it. After working with Dominique, I reached out to a friend of mine who is a professional photographer in Toronto. The images she took of me capture the essence of who I am and are utilized throughout my marketing materials today. My experience working with Dominique renewed my confidence, which is the foundation of success in business and all areas of life.

I encourage the entrepreneurs and sales teams I work with at Celeste Giordano Coaching to constantly expand their personal network in order to generate quality leads, build referral relationships and establish themselves as leaders in their fields. In order to do that effectively, image management is a critical piece of the puzzle.

I’m passionate about empowering my clients to develop the tools they need to approach every new meeting and encounter with confidence so they can build the rapport, trust and relationships necessary to take their business to the next level.

Email me today to “Double Plus” your income this year.

I am excited to announce the release of my first issue of The Blueprint: For Building a Legacy Business.

Sales is near and dear to my heart. Many small business owners hate selling but over and over again I’ve proven that anyone can learn to sell if they just have the right tools.

I love to lead my clients to success and as a business strategist my desire for this magazine is to help you in all aspects of your business. Several of my high-level clients, from various backgrounds, have contributed articles with tips, ideas, and insights for overcoming the struggles and challenges small business owners face.

The tagline of my business is Learn • Grow • Achieve • Prosper which are the steps to take to become successful. It is my desire as a connector and international business consultant that anyone who is struggling in business finds the help they need.

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Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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