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Is Your Attitude Unlocking Your Leadership Potential?

Leaders are known for possessing many skills and qualities from charisma to confidence, innovation to integrity.

But there is one leadership attribute that is often overlooked that has the power to unlock your leadership potential – positive attitude.

You’d be hard pressed to find a highly successful business entrepreneur or industry leader with a negative attitude. The reason is simple: How can you expect to LEAD, motivate and inspire with a poor attitude? It’s not effective.

American businessman and CEO of the ITT Corporation once wisely said that “Leadership is practiced not so much as in words as in attitude and in actions.”

If you’ve ever met a business entrepreneur who exudes positive energy, you probably won’t forget them. That’s because positivity is magnetic. It infuses the way they communicate and act on a daily basis, which inspires others and motivates them to take action.

Remember – Positivity is A Habit.

While some individuals have a naturally more positive mindset than others, no leader is born with a constantly positive attitude. It’s a habit that you need to develop consciously and practice consistently. Some of the most charismatic leaders with contagious positive attitudes that I have had the privilege to meet worked hard to overcome their “glass half empty” habitual thinking and replace it with optimistic positive thinking. Creating a positive thinking habit has powerful results and will permeate every area of your life.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Positive Attitude in Business.

• Leading a Team with a Positive Attitude

Business leaders set the tone for their team with their attitude, that is, the way they talk, behave with, respond to and treat other people on a day to day basis. A business entrepreneur with a positive attitude inspires others to see their vision and encourages them to be personally invested in bringing it to fruition. Leaders with a positive mindset bring out the best in their employees, independent contractors, sales teams, interns and volunteers by encouraging them to set goals, strive for excellence and produce their best work.

One of the best leadership qualities that a business entrepreneur can have is the ability to build up self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-respect in others. Business leaders with a positive attitude don’t get insecure or defensive when other people on their team share their opinions. To the contrary, they encourage positive contributions because they understand that everyone has different strengths and insights that further the team’s progress. Rather than criticizing or threatening others, they focus on empowering their team with the tools, skills and resources they need to succeed. By encouraging open communication, sharing kind words of recognition and appreciation, and creating an atmosphere of positivity, leaders with a positive attitude are much more likely to attract and retain top-tier talent.

Oftentimes, you can determine a leader’s attitude by examining the attitudes of his or her team. Positive-minded leaders have an infectious energy that infuses the way they speak and act, and has a contagious effect on their workforce. When you lead by example and treat other people with courtesy and respect, the rest of your team will follow in your footsteps.

• Dominating in Sales with a Positive Attitude

Leaders understand the undeniable connection between attitude and sales performance. To succeed in sales, you need to check your cynical, pessimistic outlook at the door (if you have one). Positive business leaders sell with honesty and integrity, not ego. No one wants to buy from someone with a bad or arrogant attitude. Business entrepreneurs with a positive attitude are naturally more likeable, and people like to buy from those they like, respect and trust. If a prospective client senses your negativity, they won’t let their guard down and be open to hearing what value you bring to the table. Bring an authentic, positive attitude to your sales presentations and prospects will be more at ease and receptive to your message.

• Building More Relationships with a Positive Attitude

Just like negativity repels, positivity attracts. When you meet new people at social or business events, your attitude quickly becomes apparent. If the majority of your conversations and interactions are negative or confrontational, people will think you have an attitude problem and try and distance themselves from you. To be a truly effective business leader, you need to understand that your attitude affects your energy, and people are energized by individuals who demonstrate a cheerful demeanor and positive attitude. That’s why leaders with positive attitudes build longer-lasting and more profitable relationships. They are always searching for ways to advance their goals and empower others to do the same.

Steer Clear of Negativity

One thing effective positive leaders have in common is that they make a conscious effort to steer clear of hiring, doing business with, or associating with individuals who have a cynical negative mindset. Just like a positive attitude is contagious, their bad attitude is toxic. If you don’t distance yourself from negative people in your business and all areas of your life, their bad habits will inevitably rub off on you and bring you down. Effective leaders focus on expanding their network and growing their business by leading with positivity and building relationships with those of the same mindset.

Positivity Paves a Path to Prosperity

In my 40+ years of experience in sales and business development, I have witnessed the incredible power of positivity first-hand. I strive to maintain a positive mindset in my own life and only build relationships with like-minded positive people.

A positive attitude is a key that unlocks tremendous leadership potential. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I have coached many entrepreneurs whose sales have exploded when they kicked their negative thinking habit to the curb and became committed to developing a positive mindset. Rather than complaining, they focus on creative problem solving. Instead of criticizing, they focus on confidence-building and skill-development.

If you want to build a Legacy Business but are struggling to achieve the RESULTS you desire, I challenge you to take an honest look at your attitude.

Could your tendency toward negativity be holding you back?

Contact me today at to learn to embrace positivity and achieve prosperity in your business THIS year.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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