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4 Tools to Tune Out Negativity and Stay Positive

We teach children the importance of having a positive attitude through sports, school, church, and at home. And yet many adults underestimate the transformational power of positivity.

Your mindset shapes your thoughts, the choices you make, and – most importantly – your results.

So positivity is important, but we aren’t born with a positive or negative mindset. Rather, our mindset is a product of what I call a “mental diet,” which has nothing to do with what you eat.

What you feed your mind matters. It’s important to ask yourself… What does your mental diet consist of? Could a negative outlook be preventing you from achieving outstanding results?

A positive mental diet consists of books, audio programs, thoughts, positive affirmations, and conversations filled with positive motivational messages. The richer your mental diet, the more positive your attitude and personality.

Surround yourself with positive influences and they rub off, with powerful results. Unfortunately, the same holds true with negative influences. If you surround yourself with naysayers and doom and gloom news and social media, you will feel more stressed, less hopeful, and undeniably negative.

A positive attitude will carry you far in your business. It directly affects your confidence and self-esteem. Potential customers, staff, suppliers, investors, and indeed everyone you come into contact with will notice your attitude. Positivity is infectious. When you possess an upbeat attitude, everyone in your company will feel more positive and more customers will want to do business with you.

Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of the obstacles isn’t always easy. It takes practice! Today, I’m sharing 4 tools to help you achieve a positive attitude.

Tool #1: Positive Visualization

A clear, powerful vision can help keep you focused. Develop a positive, exciting picture of the legacy business and life you want to build. Imagine what life would look like once you achieve your goals. Then spend a few quiet moments each day replaying this vision in your mind.

I do this exercise with my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients and it’s always amazing to see what you envision for your future when you take the time to think about it. When you visualize success enough, it slowly becomes a more tangible reality. It also helps motivate you to do the work necessary to achieve that reality!

Tool #2: Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are statements that describe a desired situation or goal. Your inner dialogue impacts your emotions, which impact your actions. Start engaging in positive self talk each and every day. This will help counteract negative self talk, which is destructive to self-esteem, performance, and outcomes.

Get into the habit of repeating these statements until they become imprinted on your subconscious mind. When you repeat them often enough, you’ll start thinking and acting in the manner necessary for them to come true. Here are examples or create your own:

  • “I can do it!”
  • “I will reach my sales target this week!”
  • “I love myself!’
  • “I deserve success!”

Tool #3: Healthy Physical Habits

Your mind and body need healthy fuel to function optimally. To maintain a positive outlook, you need to take care of your physical health and mental wellness. This means maintaining a healthy, nutritious diet, developing a regular fitness regimen, getting enough sleep every night, and taking time to relax.

When you invest in your physical well-being, you decrease your stress level and give yourself the energy necessary to conquer your goals week after week.

Tool #4: Healthy “Food” for Your Mental Diet

Just like the body needs healthy food to thrive, so does the mind. It’s important to spend dedicated time daily listening to inspirational and educational articles, books, magazines, podcasts, and audio books.

Learn from experts who can teach you the positive tools and mindsets necessary to enhance your personal life and grow your business. The more you feed your mind positive messages, the more they will become ingrained in your consciousness.

I work with each member of my Silver Council Program to eliminate the negative habits and thought processes holding them back from overcoming obstacles and boosting profitability.

I am currently accepting new applicants to join my Silver Council Program, which includes a Mastermind, before the end of the year so you can bounce back and close 2020 as a strong and PROFITABLE year.

Our current mastermind group members are driven business leaders you can collaborate with, tackle challenges with, learn from, and network with – the benefits are truly limitless.

Find out more about the Silver Council Program and Mastermind, and if you’re ready to get results, apply to join now. 

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlusTM” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work with each client to implement the strategies they’ve been missing that will enable them to break through barriers preventing them from the success they know they are capable of. Contact me today to find your future clients who just don’t know what they’re missing.