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4 Lessons From Sports to Apply to Your Business Now

I have some news that might shock you…

We are already halfway through 2022. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?

This is a perfect time to pause and reflect on whether or not you’re meeting the goals you set out for yourself this year.

As you may know, I played basketball growing up and all through college. In 1976, our Berry College women’s team experienced the ultimate athletic success – winning a National Basketball Championship!

I learned a lot of important lessons from our coach, Kay James, as she instilled in us strong morals, faith in God, and the importance of collaboration and teamwork. And I was always inspired by her leadership in the locker room both before games and at halftime.

Sometimes as an athlete in any sport, you head into the locker room at halftime, feeling defeated and deflated, and you need to make a big adjustment to come back strong in the second half.

It’s halftime right now.

Is that how your year is going? Did you start out in January with high hopes and now, just 6 months later, you’re feeling frustrated by lack of growth, lack of opportunities, and lack of revenue?

If so, you need to make adjustments to stay on track to meet your goals. It’s not too late to finish strong. We still have almost half of the year to achieve success.

So it’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back out there and fight, fight, fight!

Let’s take a moment to consider the 4 important things that happen at halftime of any game and how they apply to your business:

1. Recharge

You head into the locker room. You grab a Gatorade or water. You towel off. You sit down. You take a moment to collect yourself. Perhaps you say a prayer or two.

Most of us do a form of the same thing during the summer – we take a vacation, we enjoy time off, we relax a bit, and we slow the pace down for a little while. This rest and refueling period is necessary and important. You can’t keep going at a January pace all year long, and the hot, humid months are the perfect time to recharge your batteries before the fall gets busy again.

If you haven’t taken time to rest and relax this summer, make sure you do so, even if it’s just for a weekend where you leave the dishes in the sink and forget about the pile of laundry. Spend time with your loved ones and find refuge in your spiritual beliefs. By recharging, you’ll be better equipped to finish 2022 strong.

2. Reflect

At halftime, the coach talks about what worked in the first half and what didn’t.

Go back in your mind to January 1st. What were your goals? Your plans? Your high hopes for the year?

Now fast forward to today. Are you on track to meeting those goals and reaching those high hopes? Have you taken action to achieve what you set out to?

What is working? What isn’t? What changes do you need to make to finish 2022 strong?

To further your reflection, ask yourself these questions:

  • What were your priorities? Were you focused on planning a vacation, or raising your revenue? Were you focused on other people on Facebook, or using Facebook to expand your business’s reach?
  • What were your habits? What are some of the habits that have worked and that you should continue doing? And which habits are preventing you from reaching your goals and how will you change them? Are you making those sales calls day in and day out? Are you sitting down at your desk every morning committed to not just checking emails, but doing the important work that leads to more revenue?
  • What were your thought patterns? Are you down on yourself? Feeling discouraged about your potential? Are you comparing yourself to others? Lack of confidence can be the single difference between failure and success, so be mindful of your thought patterns.

Now take a moment to reflect on how making changes would improve your life and your business by the end of the year. That’s your motivation as you move forward.

3. Adjust 

At this point in the locker room, the coach directs how to turn things around in the second half – what plays to make, which players to start, and how to gain an advantage over the opponents.

Now is the point in your game to make those changes. You know what you need to do because you’ve reflected on your game up until this point.

It takes consistent action throughout the year to achieve success. A few powerhouse days in January, followed by lackluster performance in February and March, just won’t get the job done. Starting today, focus on taking the necessary steps every day for the rest of the year.

4. Inspire

Before going back out there for the second half, the coach takes a minute to pump the team back up. Even if they were feeling deflated as they walked into the locker room, they leave feeling like winners.

It’s time to get focused. It may not be January 1st anymore. You may not have the fresh start of a brand new year. But you do have today. And you can make those changes and turn this year around.

It’s only halftime, and it’s not too late to finish strong.

One last thought: Sometimes in basketball, the difference between winning and losing happens in the final seconds of the game. Today, and every day for the rest of the year, you have 86,000 seconds. How will you spend them to win?

At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I give my clients winning strategies to turn their businesses around, no matter how things have been going up until they contact me. If you’re ready to join a winning team of business owners and professionals that invest in themselves and reap the rewards, contact me today.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlus™” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with more than 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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