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3 Ways Saying No Will Benefit Your Business

Can you believe it’s NOVEMBER already? Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are fast approaching.

This is a period where many entrepreneurs try to buckle down to finish the year strong. It is also a time we start thinking about what we want to do differently in the year to come.

There are likely a few things you share in common with other business entrepreneurs:

  • Yes, you want to generate more high quality leads and sales in 2018.
  • Yes, you want to boost your income in 2018.
  • Yes, you want to improve your work/life balance in 2018.
  • Yes, you want to work with a business coach to advance to the next level in 2018.

These are certainly worthwhile goals. But have you ever stopped to think about how saying “Yes” too often or to the wrong people or opportunities may actually be hindering your personal and professional growth?

The Pros and Pitfalls of Saying “Yes” to Everything

Some people rave about the power of making a commitment to say “Yes” to everything for a designated period of time – a day, a week, a month or even a year. They take on this “Yes” challenge because they believe it will be liberating. If you find that fears are holding you back from breaking through barriers in your life, forcing yourself to say “Yes” means facing fears head on. If you’re the type of person who over-analyzes the choices you make, giving up control and saying “Yes” can be freeing and lead to new experiences and opportunities. Saying yes can be uncomfortable and make a person feel self-doubt, especially when a person says “yes” but wonders if they are really up to the task. But it can also lead to breakthroughs and new-found self-confidence.

But saying “Yes” to everything can come at a serious cost. The word “No” exists because we are meant to have limits in our personal and professional lives. They are meant to keep us safe from harm as well as sane so that we can function and live productive, meaningful and fulfilling lives. Sometimes, saying “Yes” too often means piling on so much responsibility that the stress is crippling and there is no time left to problem-solve or think creatively. And saying “Yes” to the wrong people or opportunities can be counter-productive at best, toxic at worst.

When It Pays to Say No

For many business entrepreneurs, saying “No” can be a difficult lesson to learn. When you want to grow your business, it can feel like saying “Yes” as often and as much as possible is necessary in order to grow your business. While saying “Yes” opens doors, doing so too frequently or to the wrong opportunity can mean overcommitting yourself or stressing yourself out – both of which are bad for business.

Here are 3 times when saying “No” will actually improve your business – and your life:

  1. Say “No” to people asking for “freebies”.

You know what it takes to do your job properly and how much income you need to generate. Know your worth and the value of your time, and stand by your pricing! When clients ask for a steep discount, pressure you to offer a “special deal” or request that you “do this one small thing” without offering to pay for it, it’s important that you politely but firmly stand your ground. Don’t let their request jeopardize your reputation or sidetrack you from reaching your goals. Don’t be afraid to say “No”.

If you do feel compelled to offer a discounted rate, make sure you’re doing so because you really want to, not because you’re afraid other business won’t come along. You can also try negotiating an arrangement that benefits you. For instance, you may choose to offer a reduced rate in exchange for a longer contract, a larger order or a new client referral. Just make sure the arrangement is a “win-win” situation you feel good about.

Remember, you run a business, not a charity. And speaking of “charity”, decide how much time you want to invest in the charities or organizations you support. Any projects that fall outside your commitment or comfort level should be negotiated as a business transaction. If you are feeling overwhelmed or resentful, respectfully decline to participate.

  1. Say “No” to toxic clients and friends.

Most business entrepreneurs have had a “stressful client” that, quite honestly, is more trouble than they are worth. Perhaps they are aggressive, overly demanding or simply unfriendly. Or maybe they don’t pay on time or take up far more time than is reasonable. If you find yourself with a toxic client on your hands, you have a decision to make. The first step is to open up the lines of communication and set boundaries about what you will and will not accept. If they don’t comply, it’s time to say goodbye to that relationship.

When it comes to generating new business, if you sense a prospective client may be toxic, clearly state your policies up front. Doing so will allow you to establish boundaries that work for you and weed out the clients you shouldn’t be working with in any case. You should never work with a toxic client because you fear that you can’t afford not to. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I help clients develop a referral system that allows them to generate quality leads so they are never in a position where they need to say “yes” to toxic clients.

It’s equally important to learn to say “No” to people in your personal life who overstep boundaries, sap you of energy, put you down and hold you back from reaching your goals. Identify what patterns in your friendships and other relationships make you feel uncomfortable, resentful or hurt, and speak up. If the relationship doesn’t improve, don’t be afraid to walk away and move forward. Focus on building positive relationships that energize and empower you to be your best self and succeed.

  1. Say “No” to working 24/7.

Some of the entrepreneurs I work with come to me when they are burnt out. They complain that despite working early hours and late nights, they haven’t reached their goals and aren’t sure what to do to turn things around. It’s important to recognize that while business entrepreneurs – especially those just getting started – need to be prepared to invest time and hard work into their business, working 24/7 is not the key to a prosperous business. Overcommitting yourself and working non-stop only breeds exhaustion and stress. To be a productive and successful business entrepreneur, you need to have time to take care of yourself by eating well, exercising, enjoying “quiet time” and spending time with friends and loved ones.

In order to achieve this goal, you need to learn to work “smart”. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I help business entrepreneurs at varying stages of business learn strategies and implement systems that allow them to achieve better RESULTS more quickly and with less stress and aggravation! I also teach clients to set “work hours” and enforce them as well as manage their time more effectively. During work hours, you should be laser-focused on the task at hand. But when work is over, it’s equally important to unplug and recharge. This will not only benefit your well-being and personal relationships; it will actually improve your business.

Have the Courage to Say “No”

I’d like to conclude this article by reinforcing an important concept that can transform your business in 2018:

Saying “No” is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it is a normal and expected part of doing business. So long as you say “No” professionally and respectfully, you don’t need to feel guilty nor should you feel the need to apologize. Never feel pressured to say “Yes”. Follow your gut and think before making a commitment you will later regret. When you say “No” in order to protect yourself, your time and your business, you set your business up for success.

Once you’ve learned to say “No” to the people and things holding you back, you can focus on saying “Yes” to the right opportunities that will allow your business to flourish.

Contact me today at to learn how to “Double Plus” your income in 2018 with confidence and peace of mind.

Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “double-plus” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with almost 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.

To learn more about Celeste, click here.

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